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Comparing nikon dslr

Nikon Z5 vs Nikon Z6 Detailed Comparison

Amazon Prime Early Access Deals are Launched! There are so many camera, lens and photography/video equipment deals to take advantage of!


Camera to replace


Nikon Z5

24 MP | Full frame (35.9 x 23.9 mm) CMOS Sensor




Nikon Z6

25 MP | Full frame (35.9 x 23.9 mm) BSI-CMOS Sensor



Nikon Z5 vs Nikon Z6 Comparison Overview

Here we are comparing Z5 and Z6, two Mirrorless cameras by Nikon. Nikon Z5 is a Advanced Mirrorless class camera and Nikon Z6 is a Pro Mirrorless class camera.

Nikon Z5 was introduced to market in July 2020 and Nikon Z6 was launched in August 2018. There is 23 months difference between Z5 and Z6 so we don't expect to see a huge technology difference between these two cameras but it would still give an advantage to younger Z5, especially in sensor tech.

Z5 and Z6 are members of Nikon's Z series of cameras. Below you can find the latest models from this series.

Nikon Z Series History

Model Release Date Sensor Dimensions Weight
Nikon Z30
2022 21.0MP - APS-C 128 x 74 x 60mm 405g
Nikon Z9
2021 46.0MP - Full frame 149 x 150 x 91mm 1340g
Nikon Z fc
2021 21.0MP - APS-C 135 x 94 x 44mm 445g
Nikon Z6 II
2020 25.0MP - Full frame 134 x 101 x 70mm 705g
Nikon Z7 II
2020 46. 0MP - Full frame 134 x 101 x 70mm 705g

Here is a brief look at the main features of Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6 before getting into our more detailed comparison.

Nikon Z5 Key Specs
  • Announcement Date: 2020-07-20
  • 24MP - Full frame CMOS Sensor
  • ISO 100 - 51200 ( expands to 50 - 102400)
  • Nikon Z Mount
  • Sensor-shift Image Stabilization
  • 3.20" Tilting Screen
  • 3690k dot Electronic viewfinder
  • 4.5fps continuous shooting
  • 4K (UHD) - 3840 x 2160 video resolution
  • Built-in Wireless
  • 675g. 134 x 101 x 70 mm
  • Weather Sealed Body
Nikon Z6 Key Specs
  • Announcement Date: 2018-08-23
  • 25MP - Full frame BSI-CMOS Sensor
  • ISO 100 - 51200 ( expands to 50 - 204800)
  • Nikon Z Mount
  • Sensor-shift Image Stabilization
  • 3.20" Tilting Screen
  • 3690k dot Electronic viewfinder
  • 12.0fps continuous shooting
  • 4K (UHD) - 3840 x 2160 video resolution
  • Built-in Wireless
  • 675g. 134 x 101 x 68 mm
  • Weather Sealed Body

Reasons to choose Nikon Z5 over Nikon Z6

Battery Life

470 shots vs 330 shots 140 more frames with a single charge

Storage Slot

2 vs 1 Extra storage slot


Reasons to choose Nikon Z6 over Nikon Z5

Sensor Resolution

25 MP vs 24 MP 4% more pixels

LCD Resolution

2.100k dots vs 1.040k dots 101% higher resolution screen

Continuous Shooting

12.0fps vs 4.5fps 7.5 fps faster


Yes vs No Help viewing and changing settings easily


Common Strengths of Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6

Wireless Connection

Yes vs Yes Better connectivity

Bluetooth Connection

Yes vs Yes Connect to other devices via Bluetooth

Image Stabilization

Sensor-shift vs Sensor-shift Sharper images at longer focal lengths and long exposures

Adjustable LCD Screen

Tilting vs Tilting Flexible shooting positions

External Flash Shoe

Yes vs Yes Better for flash photography

Touch Screen

Yes vs Yes Easy control of camera functions


Yes (Electronic) vs Yes (Electronic) Better framing and control

RAW Support

Yes vs Yes Better image quality

Face Detection Focus

Yes vs Yes very handy for portraits

Max Resolution

24 MP vs 25 MP Bigger prints and more details

LCD Screen Size

3. 20" vs 3.20" Large display

LCD Screen Resolution

1.040k dots vs 2.100k dots High resolution screens

Microphone Port

Yes vs Yes High quality audio recording option

Headphone Port

Yes vs Yes better video control

Environmental Sealing

Yes vs Yes shoot at tough conditions

Timelapse Recording

Yes vs Yes creative shooting

AE Bracketing

Yes vs Yes Useful for tough lighting conditions and HDR

Focus Bracketing

Yes vs Yes Take multiple photos shifting focus point

Focus Stacking

Yes vs Yes Stacks photos in-camera to maximize depth of field

Smartphone Remote

Yes vs Yes Remote control your camera with a smartphone

Webcam Function

Yes vs Yes Use your camera as a Webcam


Yes vs Yes Reduced uneven color and exposure under flickering light

Eye Tracking Focus

Yes vs Yes Autofocus system locks on the eye and tracks the subject

Common Weaknesses of Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6

Built-in Flash

No vs No Require external flash

Nikon Z5 vs Nikon Z6: Physical Specs and Body features Comparison

Size and weight is a big decision factor when you are trying to find the ideal camera for your needs. In this section, We are going to illustrate Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6 side-by-side from the front, back and top in their relative dimensions. Nikon Z5 has external dimensions of 134 x 101 x 70 mm (5.28 x 3.98 x 2.76″) and weighs 675 g (1.49 lb / 23.81 oz) (including batteries). Nikon Z6 has external dimensions of 134 x 101 x 68 mm (5.28 x 3.98 x 2.68″) and weighs 675 g (1.49 lb / 23.81 oz) (including batteries).

Below you can see the front view size comparison of Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6. Nikon Z5 has the same height and width with Nikon Z6. On the other hand, with a thickness of 70mm, it is 2mm thicker.

Comparison image of Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6 Size, Weight and External Dimensions - Front View

Here is the back view size comparison of Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6.

Comparison image of Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6 Size and Weight - Back View

Now lets look at the top view comparison of Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6.

Top View Comparison image of Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6 Size

Weight is another important factor especially when deciding on a camera that you want to carry with you all day. Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6 have exactly the same weight of 675g.

Also keep in mind that body weight is not the only deciding factor when comparing two interchangeable camera bodies, you have to also take into account the lenses that you will be using with these bodies. Since both Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6 have the same Nikon Z lens mount and Full frame sized sensors, lenses will not be a differentiator on total size of the system.

Weight Comparison

Mirrorless Cameras


Thickness Comparison

Mirrorless Cameras


Weather Sealing

Both Z5 and Z6 have weather sealings in their body, making them resistant to water and dust.

LCD Screen Size and Features

Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6's LCD screens has the same diagonal size of 3.20".

Both cameras feature Tilting screens where you can change the angle of the screen to make it easier to shoot from waist or over the head levels.

Nikon Z5 vs Nikon Z6: Sensor Comparison

Nikon Z5 has a 24.0MP Full frame (35.9 x 23.9 mm ) sized CMOS sensor and features Expeed 6 processor. On the other hand, Nikon Z6 has a 25.0MP Full frame (35.9 x 23.9 mm ) sized BSI-CMOS sensor and features Expeed 6 processor.

Below you can see the Z5 and Z6 sensor size comparison.

Sensor Size and Resolution Comparison image of Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6 Cameras

Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6 have the same sensor sizes so they will provide same level of control over the depth of field when used with same focal length and aperture.

Nikon Z5 vs Nikon Z6 Comparison of Available Lenses

Which camera has more lenses?

Number of available lenses is a big decision factor while choosing your interchangeable lens camera. In this case, both Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6 have the same Nikon Z lens mount so have 34 native lenses available. All of these lenses cover Full frame sensor.

Another important factor is the availability of image stabilization. Both Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6 has Sensor based Image stabilization which means that all the lenses will be stabilized in these bodies. Z5's built-in Image stabilization system is effective to compensate vibration up to 5.0-stops according to CIPA standards.

Lens Type # of Nikon Z5 Lenses # of Nikon Z6 Lenses
Standard Zoom 6 (5 Full Frame) 6 (5 Full Frame)
Standard Prime 5 (4 Full Frame) 5 (4 Full Frame)
Wideangle Zoom 3 (3 Full Frame) 3 (3 Full Frame)
Wideangle Prime 7 (7 Full Frame) 7 (7 Full Frame)
Telephoto Zoom 3 (2 Full Frame) 3 (2 Full Frame)
Telephoto Prime 5 (5 Full Frame) 5 (5 Full Frame)
SuperZoom 2 (1 Full Frame) 2 (1 Full Frame)
Wideangle Fisheye Prime n/a n/a
Macro Prime 3 (3 Full Frame) 3 (3 Full Frame)
Perspective Control Prime n/a n/a
Telephoto Mirror Prime n/a n/a
TOTAL 34 (30 Full Frame) 34 (30 Full Frame)

Here are some of the most popular Nikon Z Mount Lenses on Camera Decision:

Popular Nikon Z Mount Lenses for Z5 and Z6

What types of Photography are Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6 Good for?

In this section, we rank and compare Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6 for five different photography types in order to make your decision process easier in case you are specifically interested in one or more of these areas.

Nikon Z5 for Portrait Photography

Nikon Z6 for Portrait Photography

Large Full frame (35.9 x 23.9 mm) sensor
Very High Resolution Sensor: 24.0MP
Image Stabilization
Electronic Built-in Viewfinder
Good Ergonomics&Handling
Read the details

Large Full frame (35.9 x 23.9 mm) sensor
Very High Resolution Sensor: 25.0MP
Image Stabilization
Electronic Built-in Viewfinder
Good Ergonomics&Handling
Read the details

Nikon Z5 for Street Photography


Nikon Z6 for Street Photography


Large Full frame (35.9 x 23.9 mm) sensor
Image Stabilization
Electronic Built-in Viewfinder
Face-Detection Focusing
Tilting LCD Screen
Medium sized Body
Read the details

Large Full frame (35. 9 x 23.9 mm) sensor
Image Stabilization
Electronic Built-in Viewfinder
Face-Detection Focusing
Tilting LCD Screen
Medium sized Body
Read the details

Nikon Z5 for Sports Photography

Nikon Z6 for Sports Photography

Image Stabilization
Electronic Built-in Viewfinder
Good Ergonomics&Handling
Anti Flicker feature
Environmental Sealings
Fast Max shutter speed: 1/8000s
273 Focus Points
Good Low Light ISO
Wireless Connection
Average Continuous Shooting: 4.5fps
Read the details

Image Stabilization
Electronic Built-in Viewfinder
Good Ergonomics&Handling
Fast Continuous Shooting: 12.0fps
Environmental Sealings
Fast Max shutter speed: 1/8000s
273 Focus Points
Good Low Light ISO
Wireless Connection
Anti Flicker feature
Read the details

Nikon Z5 for Daily Photography


Nikon Z6 for Daily Photography


Large Full frame (35. 9 x 23.9 mm) sensor
Anti Flicker feature
Environmental Sealings
Medium size Body
Body Thickness 70mm
Read the details

Large Full frame (35.9 x 23.9 mm) sensor
Environmental Sealings
Anti Flicker feature
Medium size Body
Body Thickness 68mm
Read the details

Nikon Z5 for Landscape Photography


Nikon Z6 for Landscape Photography


Large Full frame (35.9 x 23.9 mm) sensor
Very High Resolution Sensor: 24.0MP
Environmental Sealings
Read the details

Large Full frame (35.9 x 23.9 mm) sensor
Very High Resolution Sensor: 25.0MP
Environmental Sealings
Read the details

Nikon Z5 vs Nikon Z6: OUR DECISION

You may have already made your decision about which camera suits better for your needs and your budget so far but in case you wonder how we rated Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6, below you can find their scores in five different aspects. Our Decision Algorithm dynamically scores cameras using 69 different specs, current price and DxO Mark scores (where possible) in order to make a more objective and consistent comparison.

Here is a summary of how Nikon Z5 and Nikon Z6 scores compare:

Nikon Z5





Ranked #28 out of 103 in SLR-style mirrorless cameras
Ranked #33 out of 1250 in all Cameras

Nikon Z6





Ranked #23 out of 103 in SLR-style mirrorless cameras
Ranked #25 out of 1250 in all Cameras

Nikon Z6 has a higher Overall Score than the Nikon Z5 and would be our choice if we have to decide between these two cameras.

Nikon Z5



Nikon Z6



Nikon Z6 vs Nikon Z5 Specs Table

Detailed comparison of specifications
General Nikon Z5 Nikon Z6
Brand Nikon Nikon
Announced 2020-07-20 2018-08-23
Body Type SLR-style mirrorless SLR-style mirrorless
Size Full frame Full frame
Dimensions 35. 9 x 23.9 mm 35.9 x 23.9 mm
Area 858.01mm2 858.01mm2
Megapixels 24 megapixels 25 megapixels
Max Resolution 6016 x 4016 6048 x 4024
Max Native Light sensitivity 51,200 ISO 51,200 ISO
Max Boosted Light Sensitivity 102400 ISO 204800 ISO
Min Native Light sensitivity 100 ISO 100 ISO
Min Boosted Light Sensitivity 50 ISO 50 ISO
RAW Support
AF Touch
AF Continuous
AF Single
AF Tracking
AF Selective
AF Center
AF Multi Area
AF Live View
AF Face Detection
AF Contrast Detection
AF Phase Detection
Number of Focus Points 273 273
Manual Focus
Lens Mount Nikon Z Nikon Z
Number of Available Lenses 34 34
Type Tilting Tilting
Size 3. 20" 3.20"
Resolution 1,040k dots 2,100k dots
Touch Screen
Viewfinder Electronic Electronic
Viewfinder Resolution 3,690k dots 3,690k dots
Viewfinder Coverage 100% 100%
Viewfinder Magnification 0.8x 0.8x
Photography Features
Max Mechanical Shutter 1/8000s 1/8000s
Shutter Priority
Aperture Priority
Manual Exposure Mode
Custom White Balance
Built-in Image Stabilization Sensor-shift Sensor-shift
Built-in Flash
Max Flash Sync 1/200s 1/200s
External Flash
Continuous Shooting 4. 5 fps 12.0 fps
Multi-Segment Metering
Average Metering
Spot Metering
Partial Metering
AF-Area Metering
Center Weighted Metering
AE Bracketing
WB Bracketing
Video Features
Max Video Resolution 3840 x 2160 3840 x 2160
Video Formats MPEG-4, H.264 MPEG-4, H.264
Microphone Port
Headphone Port
Wireless Connectivity Built-In Built-In
Environmental Sealing
Weight 675g 675g
Dimensions 134 x 101 x 70mm 134 x 101 x 68mm
Battery Life 470 shots 330 shots
Other Features
Timelapse Recording
GPS None None
DxO Sensor Scores
DxO Overall Score not tested 95
DxO Color Depth not tested 25. 3
DxO Dynamic Range not tested 14.3
DxO Low Light ISO not tested 3299
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Nikon D3500 vs Nikon D5600 Detailed Comparison

Amazon Prime Early Access Deals are Launched! There are so many camera, lens and photography/video equipment deals to take advantage of!


Camera to replace


Nikon D3500

24 MP | APS-C (23.5 x 15.6 mm) CMOS Sensor




Nikon D5600

24 MP | APS-C (23.5 x 15.6 mm) CMOS Sensor



Nikon D3500 vs Nikon D5600 Comparison Overview

In this review, we will be comparing D3500 and D5600, two Entry-Level DSLR cameras by Nikon. Nikon D3500 was introduced to market in August 2018 and Nikon D5600 was launched in November 2016. There is 22 months difference between D3500 and D5600 so we don't expect to see a huge technology difference between these two cameras but it would still give an advantage to younger D3500, especially in sensor tech.

Here is a brief look at the main features of Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 before getting into our more detailed comparison.

Nikon D3500 Key Specs
  • Announcement Date: 2018-08-29
  • 24MP - APS-C CMOS Sensor
  • No Anti-aliasing (AA) filter
  • ISO 100 - 25600
  • Nikon F Mount
  • 3.00" Fixed Type Screen
  • Optical (pentamirror) viewfinder
  • 5.0fps continuous shooting
  • Full HD - 1920 x 1080 video resolution
  • 365g. 124 x 97 x 70 mm
  • Replaced Nikon D3400 Compare
Nikon D5600 Key Specs
  • Announcement Date: 2016-11-10
  • 24MP - APS-C CMOS Sensor
  • No Anti-aliasing (AA) filter
  • ISO 100 - 25600
  • Nikon F Mount
  • 3. 20" Fully Articulated Screen
  • Optical (pentamirror) viewfinder
  • 5.0fps continuous shooting
  • Full HD - 1920 x 1080 video resolution
  • Built-in Wireless
  • 465g. 124 x 97 x 70 mm
  • Replaced Nikon D5500 Compare

Reasons to choose Nikon D3500 over Nikon D5600

Viewfinder Magnif.

0.56x vs 0.55x Larger Viewfinder

Battery Life

1550 shots vs 820 shots 730 more frames with a single charge


365 g vs 465 g 100 g lighter


Reasons to choose Nikon D5600 over Nikon D3500

Wireless Connection

Built-In vs None Better connectivity

LCD Screen

Fully Articulated vs Fixed Type Flexible shooting positions

Touch Screen

Yes vs No Easy control of camera functions

Number of Focus Points

39 vs 11 28 more focus points

LCD Screen Size

3. 2 vs 3 0.2 inches larger display

LCD Resolution

1.037k dots vs 921k dots 12% higher resolution screen

Microphone Port

Yes vs No High quality audio recording option

Timelapse Recording

Yes vs No creative shooting

Flash Coverage

12.0m vs 7.0m 5m longer range

AE Bracketing

Yes vs No Useful for tough lighting conditions and HDR

NFC Connection

Yes vs No Easy wireless connectivity with compatible devices


Common Strengths of Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600

Bluetooth Connection

Yes vs Yes Connect to other devices via Bluetooth

Built-in Flash

Yes vs Yes Useful in low-light

External Flash Shoe

Yes vs Yes Better for flash photography


Yes (Optical) vs Yes (Optical) Better framing and control

RAW Support

Yes vs Yes Better image quality

Face Detection Focus

Yes vs Yes very handy for portraits

Max Resolution

24 MP vs 24 MP Bigger prints and more details

LCD Screen Size

3. 20" vs 3.20" Large display

LCD Screen Resolution

921k dots vs 1.037k dots High resolution screens

Smartphone Remote

Yes vs Yes Remote control your camera with a smartphone

UHS Card Support

UHS-I vs UHS-1 Read/Write in High Speeds

Common Weaknesses of Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600

In-body Image Stabilization

No vs No No Built-in stabilization

Environmental Sealing

No vs No not suitable for tough conditions

Optical Viewfinder Type

Pentamirror vs Pentamirror not as bright as Pentaprism Viewfinders

Nikon D3500 vs Nikon D5600: Physical Specs and Body features Comparison

Size and weight is a big decision factor when you are trying to find the ideal camera for your needs. In this section, We are going to illustrate Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 side-by-side from the front, back and top in their relative dimensions. Nikon D3500 has external dimensions of 124 x 97 x 70 mm (4.88 x 3.82 x 2.76″) and weighs 365 g (0.80 lb / 12.87 oz) (including batteries). Nikon D5600 has external dimensions of 124 x 97 x 70 mm (4.88 x 3.82 x 2.76″) and weighs 465 g (1.03 lb / 16.40 oz) (including batteries).

Below you can see the front view size comparison of Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600. In this case, we can see that Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 have the exact same height, width and thickness.

Comparison image of Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 Size, Weight and External Dimensions - Front View

Here is the back view size comparison of Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600.

Comparison image of Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 Size and Weight - Back View

Now lets look at the top view comparison of Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600.

Top View Comparison image of Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 Size

Weight is another important factor especially when deciding on a camera that you want to carry with you all day. Nikon D3500 is significantly lighter (100g ) than the Nikon D5600 which may become a big advantage especially on long walking trips.

Also keep in mind that body weight is not the only deciding factor when comparing two interchangeable camera bodies, you have to also take into account the lenses that you will be using with these bodies. Since both Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 have the same Nikon F lens mount and APS-C sized sensors, lenses will not be a differentiator on total size of the system.

Weight Comparison

DSLR Cameras


Thickness Comparison

DSLR Cameras


Weather Sealing

Unfortunately neither Nikon D3500 nor Nikon D5600 provides any type of weather sealing in their body, so you have to give extra care especially when you are shooting outdoors. If weather sealing is a must-have feature for you, check these sections: Top DSLR Cameras with Weather Sealing

LCD Screen Size and Features

Nikon D5600's 3.20" LCD screen is slightly larger than Nikon D3500's 3 screen.

Moreover, Nikon D5600 sports a Fully Articulated screen which you can change the angle and position of the screen almost freely, making it possible to shoot from waist or over the head levels, and especially very useful for shooting selfies and video. On the other hand, Nikon D3500 has a fixed type screen which provides almost no flexibility in shooting positions compared to D5600.

Nikon D3500 vs Nikon D5600: Sensor Comparison

Both Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 have APS-C sized 24.0 MP resolution sensors so sensor size and resolution is not a differentiator between these two cameras.

Another similarity between these two cameras is that both Nikon D5600 and Nikon D3500 sensors lack anti-alias (Low-Pass) filters. Removing anti-alias filter increases the sharpness and level of detail but at the same time, it increases the chance of moire occurring in certain scenes.

Below you can see the D3500 and D5600 sensor size comparison.

Sensor Size and Resolution Comparison image of Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 Cameras

Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 have the same sensor sizes so they will provide same level of control over the depth of field when used with same focal length and aperture.

Nikon D3500 vs Nikon D5600 Comparison of Available Lenses

Which camera has more lenses?

Number of available lenses is a big decision factor while choosing your interchangeable lens camera. Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 have the same Nikon F lens mount and currently there are 316 native lenses available for these cameras.

Another important factor is the availability of image stabilization. None of these bodies have sensor based image stabilization so you have to buy lenses with Optical stabilization feature. Currently there are 107 lenses with Image stabilization for Nikon F mount.

Lens Type # of Nikon D3500 Lenses # of Nikon D5600 Lenses
Standard Zoom 33 33
Standard Prime 22 22
Wideangle Zoom 33 33
Wideangle Prime 50 50
Telephoto Zoom 54 54
Telephoto Prime 46 46
SuperZoom 30 30
Wideangle Fisheye Prime 8 8
Macro Prime 26 26
Perspective Control Prime 11 11
Telephoto Mirror Prime 1 1
TOTAL 316 316

Here are some of the most popular Nikon F Mount Lenses on Camera Decision:

Popular Nikon F Mount Lenses for D3500 and D5600

What types of Photography are Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 Good for?

In this section, we rank and compare Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 for five different photography types in order to make your decision process easier in case you are specifically interested in one or more of these areas.

Nikon D3500 for Portrait Photography


Nikon D5600 for Portrait Photography


Large APS-C (23.5 x 15.6 mm) sensor
Very High Resolution Sensor: 24.0MP
Optical Built-in Viewfinder
Good Ergonomics&Handling
No Image Stabilization
Read the details

Large APS-C (23.5 x 15.6 mm) sensor
Very High Resolution Sensor: 24.0MP
Optical Built-in Viewfinder
Good Ergonomics&Handling
No Image Stabilization
Read the details

Nikon D3500 for Street Photography

Nikon D5600 for Street Photography

Large APS-C (23.5 x 15.6 mm) sensor
Optical Built-in Viewfinder
Face-Detection Focusing
No Image Stabilization
Large Body
Read the details

Large APS-C (23. 5 x 15.6 mm) sensor
Optical Built-in Viewfinder
Face-Detection Focusing
Fully Articulated LCD Screen
No Image Stabilization
Large Body
Read the details

Nikon D3500 for Sports Photography

Nikon D5600 for Sports Photography

Optical Built-in Viewfinder
Good Ergonomics&Handling
Fast Max shutter speed: 1/4000s
11 Focus Points
Good Battery Life: 1550 shots
Good Low Light ISO
Average Continuous Shooting: 5.0fps
No Image Stabilization
Environmental Sealings
Read the details

Optical Built-in Viewfinder
Good Ergonomics&Handling
Fast Max shutter speed: 1/4000s
9 Cross Type Focus sensors
39 Focus Points
Good Battery Life: 820 shots
Good Low Light ISO
Wireless Connection
Average Continuous Shooting: 5.0fps
No Image Stabilization
Environmental Sealings
Read the details

Nikon D3500 for Daily Photography

Nikon D5600 for Daily Photography

Large APS-C (23. 5 x 15.6 mm) sensor
Large Body
Body Thickness 70mm
Read the details

Large APS-C (23.5 x 15.6 mm) sensor
Large Body
Body Thickness 70mm
Read the details

Nikon D3500 for Landscape Photography


Nikon D5600 for Landscape Photography


Large APS-C (23.5 x 15.6 mm) sensor
Very High Resolution Sensor: 24.0MP
No Environmental Sealings
Read the details

Large APS-C (23.5 x 15.6 mm) sensor
Very High Resolution Sensor: 24.0MP
No Environmental Sealings
Read the details

Nikon D3500 vs Nikon D5600: OUR DECISION

You may have already made your decision about which camera suits better for your needs and your budget so far but in case you wonder how we rated Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600, below you can find their scores in five different aspects. Our Decision Algorithm dynamically scores cameras using 69 different specs, current price and DxO Mark scores (where possible) in order to make a more objective and consistent comparison.

Here is a summary of how Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 scores compare:

Nikon D3500





Ranked #32 out of 79 in Compact SLR cameras
Ranked #266 out of 1250 in all Cameras

Nikon D5600





Ranked #6 out of 79 in Compact SLR cameras
Ranked #139 out of 1250 in all Cameras

Nikon D5600 has a higher Overall Score than the Nikon D3500 and would be our choice if we have to decide between these two cameras.

Nikon D5600 vs Nikon D3500 Specs Table

Detailed comparison of specifications
General Nikon D3500 Nikon D5600
Brand Nikon Nikon
Announced 2018-08-29 2016-11-10
Body Type Compact SLR Compact SLR
Dimensions 23. 5 x 15.6 mm 23.5 x 15.6 mm
Area 366.60mm2 366.60mm2
Megapixels 24 megapixels 24 megapixels
Max Resolution 6000 x 4000 6000 x 4000
Max Native Light sensitivity 25,600 ISO 25,600 ISO
Min Native Light sensitivity 100 ISO 100 ISO
RAW Support
AF Touch
AF Continuous
AF Single
AF Tracking
AF Selective
AF Center
AF Multi Area
AF Live View
AF Face Detection
AF Contrast Detection
AF Phase Detection
Number of Focus Points 11 39
Manual Focus
Lens Mount Nikon F Nikon F
Number of Available Lenses 316 316
Type Fixed type Fully Articulated
Size 3. 00" 3.20"
Resolution 921k dots 1,037k dots
Touch Screen
Viewfinder Optical (pentamirror) Optical (pentamirror)
Viewfinder Coverage 95% 95%
Viewfinder Magnification 0.56x 0.55x
Photography Features
Max Mechanical Shutter 1/4000s 1/4000s
Shutter Priority
Aperture Priority
Manual Exposure Mode
Custom White Balance
Built-in Image Stabilization No No
Built-in Flash
Flash Range 7.00 m (at ISO 100) 12.00 m (at ISO 100)
Max Flash Sync n/a 1/200s
External Flash
Continuous Shooting 5. 0 fps 5.0 fps
Multi-Segment Metering
Average Metering
Spot Metering
Partial Metering
AF-Area Metering
Center Weighted Metering
AE Bracketing
WB Bracketing
Video Features
Max Video Resolution 1920 x 1080 1920 x 1080
Video Formats MPEG-4, H.264 MPEG-4, H.264
Microphone Port
Headphone Port
Wireless Connectivity None Built-In
Environmental Sealing
Weight 365g 465g
Dimensions 124 x 97 x 70mm 124 x 97 x 70mm
Battery Life 1550 shots 820 shots
Other Features
Timelapse Recording
GPS None Optional
DxO Sensor Scores
DxO Overall Score not tested 84
DxO Color Depth not tested 24. 1
DxO Dynamic Range not tested 14.0
DxO Low Light ISO not tested 1306
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Nikon D3100 vs Sony A100 DSLR: What is the difference?

Smartphone-graphic wire headphones




Sony A100 DSLR

+ Nikkor AF-S DX 18-5.6G VR

9000 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + DT 18-70 + Dt -5.6


133 facts in comparison

Nikon D3100

Sony A100 DSLR

Why is Nikon D3100 better than Sony A100 DSLR?

  • 2 more focus points?
    11 vs 9
  • 45.1% more megapixels (main camera)?
    14. 8MP vs 10.2MP
  • 11200ISO higher max extended ISO range?
    12800ISO vs 1600ISO
  • Has tracking autofocus?
  • 6 higher image quality?
    67 vs 61
  • Has autofocus in movie mode thanks to phase detection autofocus?
  • 90g lighter?
    455g vs 545g
  • Has 24p cinema mode?

Why is Sony A100 DSLR better than Nikon D3100?

  • 200shots longer battery life?
    750shots vs 550shots
  • Has built-in motorized focus?
  • Has sensor-shift stabilization?
  • 1.5x more battery capacity?
    1500mAh vs 1000mAh
  • 29.46mm narrower?
    95mm vs 124.46mm

What are the most popular comparisons?

Nikon D3100


Nikon D5100

Sony A100 DSLR


Sony A300 DSLR

Nikon D3100


Canon EOS 1100D

Sony A100 DSLR


Sony A230 DSLR

Nikon D3100


Nikon D3200

Sony A100 DSLR


Nikon D80

Nikon D3100


Nikon D5000

Sony A100 DSLR


Sony A330 DSLR

Nikon D3100


Nikon D3000

Sony A100 DSLR


Sony A350 DSLR

Nikon D3100


Canon EOS 550d

Sony A100 DSLR


Sony SLT-A55

Nikon D3100


Nikon D80

Sony A100 DSLR


Canon EOS Rebel T100

Nikon D3100


Nikon D90

Sony A100 DSLR


Canon EOS 100D

Nikon D3100


Canon EOS 500D

Sony A100 DSLR


Canon EOS 500D

Nikon D3100


Nikon D40

Sony A100 DSLR


Nikon D3000 + AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkkor 18-55MM F/3. 5.6.6G ED II

9000 9000


Reviews of users

General rating

Nikon D3100

1 Reviews Users

Nikon D3100

8.0 9000 /10 9000 9000 SONY A100 DSLR 9000 9000 0000 0000 0000 DISTRES DSLR

0.0 /10

0 User Reviews


Build Quality

8.0 /10

1 votes

reviews yet not


5.0 /10

1 Votes

Reviews yet not

Control Elements

7.0 /10 9000 /Votes 9000

Work with low lights

6.0 /10

1 Votes

reviews not yet


7.0 /10 9 9

1 votes

No reviews yet


1.sensor size

One of the most important aspects of a camera is its sensor size. A larger sensor captures more light, which improves low-light image quality, dynamic range, and overall image quality.

2. focus points

The more focus points, the more flexibility in choosing which part of the scene to focus on. They also give the sensor more power to determine the best part to focus on in more automatic modes.

3MP (Main Camera)



The number of megapixels determines the resolution of images captured by the main camera. A higher megapixel count means the camera is capable of capturing more detail. However, the number of megapixels is not the only important element that determines image quality.

4. maximum light sensitivity

Unknown. Help us offer a price. (Nikon D3100)

Unknown. Help us offer a price. (Sony A100 DSLR)

Higher light sensitivity (ISO level) allows the sensor to absorb more light. This can be used to shoot moving subjects at high shutter speeds, or to take pictures in poor lighting conditions without using the flash.

5.maximum extended ISO range



Extended ISO range allows you to go beyond native ISO. This is achieved by digitally enhancing the image output. The resulting image will be of lower quality than when saved within the native ISO range, but this may come in handy in certain situations.

6. has sensor shift stabilization

✖Nikon D3100

✔Sony A100 DSLR

With sensor shift, the sensor itself (not the lens) moves itself so that it can neutralize any camera vibration. This means that the image will be stabilized no matter which lens is used.

7.High-resolution continuous shooting

High-speed continuous shooting is useful when shooting moving subjects.

8.has tracking autofocus

✔Nikon D3100

✖Sony A100 DSLR

Tracking AF will allow you to correctly focus on the subject, press the shutter button, if the subject moves, AF will follow it. Subjects will always be in focus.

9. Has phase detection autofocus for still photography

✔Nikon D3100

✔Sony A100 DSLR

Phase detection AF is much faster than contrast AF and produces sharper images.

Video recording

1st video recording (main camera)

1080 x 24fps

Unknown. Help us offer a price. (Sony A100 DSLR)

The maximum resolution possible for videos shot with the main camera. You can also select other frame rates, these videos usually have lower resolutions.

2. AF in movie mode thanks to phase detection AF

✔Nikon D3100

✖Sony A100 DSLR

Phase detection AF system is faster than contrast AF system. Even when recording scenes with a lot of fast movement, videos are crisp and clear.

3. Continuous auto focus when recording movies

✔Nikon D3100

✔Sony A100 DSLR

Subjects always remain in focus when recording movies.

4.includes microphone connector

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A100 DSLR

The microphone connector allows you to connect an external high-quality or specialized microphone.

5.has a 3.5mm mini jack

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A100 DSLR

You can use a standard mini jack to connect most headphones.

6. with stereo microphone

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A100 DSLR

Stereo microphone allows you to record audio or video in stereo without an external microphone.

7. With interval shooting function

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A100 DSLR

Interval recording shows a long run of time in acceleration. A series of photos taken from the same position over a long period is combined to create a short video. This is a great way to capture moments like sunset or clouds moving across the sky.

8. movie bitrate

Unknown. Help us offer a price. (Nikon D3100)

Unknown. Help us offer a price. (Sony A100 DSLR)

The higher the bit rate of the video, the better the quality of the movie with finer details, and much less image distortion from compression.

9.number of microphones

The more microphones a device has, the better it filters out background noise and improves the overall sound recording quality.


1. Battery life (CIPA)



CIPA is an independent, standard measurement that determines how many shots a camera can take before the battery dies.

2.has replaceable battery

✔Nikon D3100

✔Sony A100 DSLR

In the event of a breakdown, the user can replace the battery

3. has a battery

✔Nikon D3100

✔Sony A100 DSLR

The battery of the device can be charged and used again.

4.has a battery level indicator

✔Nikon D3100

✔Sony A100 DSLR

The indicator shows that the battery level is low.

5.Battery capacity



Battery charge, or battery capacity, is the amount of electrical energy stored in the battery. The higher the battery charge, the longer the battery life.



919 ISO

Unknown. Help us offer a price. (Sony A100 DSLR)

The maximum ISO level at which the device still takes excellent pictures. Source: DxOMark.

2.has Wi-Fi

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A100 DSLR

The device can connect to Wi-Fi.

3.image quality

The overall image quality of the device includes: color depth, dynamic range and low light. We use data from http://www. dxomark.com.

4.color depth



The better the device's color depth, the more color shades it can distinguish. We use data from http://www.dxomark.com.

5.Dynamic Range



The better the dynamic range, the more dark-to-light transition values ​​the system captures, resulting in more detailed detail in low light conditions.

6. Equipped with two card slots

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A100 DSLR

Has two memory card slots, allowing you to store more photos without changing cards. This is especially useful for long shoots when you need more space.

7.shoots in RAW format

✔Nikon D3100

✔Sony A100 DSLR

The RAW image file contains minimally processed data from the sensor. RAW files are so named because they have not yet been processed and are therefore not ready to be printed or edited with a bitmap graphics editor.

8.802.11ac WiFi

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A100 DSLR

802.11ac wireless operates on 5GHz and also on 2.4GHz (dual-band WiFi). Offers higher data transfer rates, increased reliability and more optimal power consumption. Benefits for gaming and HD video streaming.

9.Supports lossless compressed raw

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A100 DSLR

The camera can capture footage in lossless compressed raw format. This gives you all the benefits of shooting in raw format, but takes up much less storage space. The smaller file size also provides faster read/write speeds.

Price comparison


Which cameras are better?

This page is currently only available in English.

Nikon D3100 vs Sony A450 DSLR: What is the difference?

Smartphone-graphic wire headphones




Sony A450 DSLR

+ Nikkor AF-S DX 18-55MM F/3. 5 D3100

Sony A450 DSLR

Why is Nikon D3100 better than Sony A450 DSLR?

  • 2 more focus points?
    11 vs 9
  • Has AF tracking?
  • 45g lighter?
    455g vs 500g
  • Has 24p cinema mode?
  • Has bulb exposure?
  • 11.11% larger screen size?
    3" vs 2.7"
  • 23.74% less case volume?
    880.1cm³ vs 1154.09cm³
  • 20% faster X-sync flash?
    1/200s vs 1/160s

Why is Sony A450 DSLR better than Nikon D3100?

  • 500shots longer battery life?
    1050shots vs 550shots
  • 2.33x faster high resolution JPEG shooting with autofocus?
    7fps vs 3fps
  • Has motorized focus built in?
  • Has sensor-shift stabilization?
  • 1.6x more battery capacity?
    1600mAh vs 1000mAh
  • 20. 46mm narrower?
    104mm vs 124.46mm

Which comparisons are the most popular?

Nikon D3100


Nikon D5100

Sony A450 DSLR


Nikon D5100

Nikon D3100


Canon EOS 1100D

Sony A450 DSLR


Sony A230 DSLR

Nikon D3100


Nikon D3200

Sony A450 DSLR


Sony A290 DSLR

Nikon D3100


Nikon D5000

Sony A450 DSLR


Sony A500 DSLR

Nikon D3100


Nikon D3000

Sony A450 DSLR


Sony A550 DSLR

Nikon D3100


Canon EOS 550D



Sony A850 DSLR

Nikon D3100


Nikon D80

Sony A450 DSLR


Sony SLT - A57

Nikon D3100


Nikon D90

Sony A450 DSLR


Sony SLT - A37

Nikon D3100


Canon EOS 500D

Sony A450 DSLR




VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS 9000 VS0002 8. 0 /10

1 Votes

10.0 /10

1 votes


5.0 /10

1 Votes

10.0 Management

7.0 /10

1 Votes

10.0 /10

1 Votes

Work with a weak light

6.0 /10

1 Votes

9000 9000 10.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 /10

1 Votes


7.0 /10

1 Votes

10.0 /10

1 Votes


1. Sensor size

One of the most important aspects its sensor size. A larger sensor captures more light, which improves low-light image quality, dynamic range, and overall image quality.

2. focus points

The more focus points, the more flexibility in choosing which part of the scene to focus on. They also give the sensor more power to determine the best part to focus on in more automatic modes.

3MP (Main Camera)



The number of megapixels determines the resolution of images captured by the main camera. A higher megapixel count means the camera is capable of capturing more detail. However, the number of megapixels is not the only important element that determines image quality.

4. maximum light sensitivity

Unknown. Help us offer a price. (Nikon D3100)

Unknown. Help us offer a price. (Sony A450 DSLR)

Higher light sensitivity (ISO level) allows the sensor to absorb more light. This can be used to shoot moving subjects at high shutter speeds, or to take pictures in poor lighting conditions without using the flash.

5.maximum extended ISO range



The extended ISO range allows you to go beyond your native ISO. This is achieved by digitally enhancing the image output. The resulting image will be of lower quality than when saved within the native ISO range, but this may come in handy in certain situations.

6. has sensor shift stabilization

✖Nikon D3100

✔Sony A450 DSLR

With sensor shift, the sensor itself (not the lens) moves itself so that it can neutralize any camera vibration. This means that the image will be stabilized no matter which lens is used.

7.High-resolution continuous shooting

High-speed continuous shooting is useful when shooting moving subjects.

8.has tracking autofocus

✔Nikon D3100

✖Sony A450 DSLR

Tracking AF will focus correctly on the subject, press the shutter button, if the subject moves, AF will follow it. Subjects will always be in focus.

9. Has phase detection autofocus for photography

✔Nikon D3100

✔Sony A450 DSLR

Phase detection AF is much faster than contrast AF and produces sharper images.

Video recording

1st video recording (main camera)

1080 x 24fps

Unknown. Help us offer a price. (Sony A450 DSLR)

The maximum resolution possible for videos shot with the main camera. You can also select other frame rates, these videos usually have lower resolutions.

2. AF in movie mode thanks to phase detection AF

✔Nikon D3100

✔Sony A450 DSLR

Phase detection AF system is faster than contrast AF system. Even when recording scenes with a lot of fast movement, videos are crisp and clear.

3. Continuous auto focus when recording movies

✔Nikon D3100

✔Sony A450 DSLR

Subjects always remain in focus when recording movies.

4.includes microphone connector

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A450 DSLR

The microphone connector allows you to connect an external high-quality or specialized microphone.

5.has a 3.5mm mini jack jack

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A450 DSLR

You can use a standard mini jack to connect most headphones.

6. with stereo microphone

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A450 DSLR

The stereo microphone allows you to record audio or video in stereo without an external microphone.

7. With interval shooting function

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A450 DSLR

Interval recording shows a long run of time in acceleration. A series of photos taken from the same position over a long period is combined to create a short video. This is a great way to capture moments like sunset or clouds moving across the sky.

8. movie bitrate

Unknown. Help us offer a price. (Nikon D3100)

Unknown. Help us offer a price. (Sony A450 DSLR)

The higher the bit rate of the video, the better the quality of the movie with sharper details and much less image distortion from compression.

9.number of microphones

The more microphones a device has, the better it filters out background noise and improves the overall sound recording quality.


1. Battery Life (CIPA)



CIPA is an independent, standard measurement that determines how many shots a camera can take before the battery dies.

2.has replaceable battery

✔Nikon D3100

✔Sony A450 DSLR

In the event of a breakdown, the user can replace the battery

3. has a battery

✔Nikon D3100

✔Sony A450 DSLR

The battery of the device can be charged and used again.

4.has a battery level indicator

✔Nikon D3100

✔Sony A450 DSLR

The indicator shows that the battery level is low.

5. Battery capacity



Battery charge, or battery capacity, is the amount of electrical energy stored in the battery. The higher the battery charge, the longer the battery life.



919 ISO

Unknown. Help us offer a price. (Sony A450 DSLR)

The maximum ISO level at which the device still takes excellent pictures. Source: DxOMark.

2.has Wi-Fi

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A450 DSLR

The device can connect to Wi-Fi.

3.image quality

The overall image quality of the device includes: color depth, dynamic range and low light. We use data from http://www.dxomark.com.

4.color depth



The better the device's color depth, the more color shades it can distinguish. We use data from http://www. dxomark.com.

5.Dynamic Range



The better the dynamic range, the more dark-to-light transition values ​​the system captures, resulting in more detailed detail in low light conditions.

6. Has two card slots

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A450 DSLR

Has two memory card slots, allowing you to store more photos without changing cards. This is especially useful for long shoots when you need more space.

7.shoots in RAW format

✔Nikon D3100

✔Sony A450 DSLR

The RAW image file contains minimally processed data from the sensor. RAW files are so named because they have not yet been processed and are therefore not ready to be printed or edited with a bitmap graphics editor.

8.802.11ac WiFi

✖Nikon D3100

✖Sony A450 DSLR

802.11ac wireless operates on 5GHz and also on 2.

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