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Mens model poses

20 Male Model Poses for a Great Photoshoot

If you are a male model or someone who wants to break into male modeling then this article will definitely come in handy! Let us take a look at these 20 unique and flattering male model poses that you can use for your next modeling portfolio shoot!

Taking wonderful images of men is easy–except when it isn't. Some guys are terrible in front of the camera, and it's often far harder to get natural-looking photos of men versus images of women. Most of the study of posing comes from female models, and as a result, most of the tips and tricks you find will fall flat when working with men.

There are undoubtedly inherent differences, regardless of what type of photography you are producing. The best male model poses generally need a masculine look, so there are a few things you can do to make that happen. But in the end, the same skillset is required no matter who your subjects are. You've got to be proficient with your camera and a master of the soft skills necessary to make people feel comfortable in front of your lens.

A guide to poses is a useful tool to have in your back pocket. Here is an article on best model poses to help you get started. When faced with challenging scenarios and a string of uncomfortable and stodgy looking portraits, you need something to fall back on. Having some great poses that work reliably is a good strategy to get started. Start with these basics, and then branch out on whatever creative roads the photoshoot leads you down.

Tips for Posing Males

Posing men can be a challenge. While the general poses may look the same as those used with female models, there are some significant differences that the photographer needs to keep in mind. All photography is about capturing the essence of a person, or the vision of the photographer. In capturing images of models, we're also capturing what makes a person unique. And along with that, we use society's lens and aim it at a person. Are we looking to reinforce stereotypes or shatter them? The answer probably changes daily with each photoshoot. It's a natural part of the creative process.

Stereotypical male model poses all involve making the man look fierce. Anything that can be done to convey power and dominance should be included in the pose. While females are always looking for ways to emphasize curves, men are looking for hard angles and straight lines. Females are looking for relaxed, and sultry gazes, and men are expected to have bold expressions.

No matter what look you're going for in your male model poses, one of the most critical elements is good posture. Posture can make or break an image, and bad posture is one of the main reasons for a pose not working. Models must stand straight, square their shoulders, and flex their muscles. Leaning slightly in towards the camera helps build a powerful look to the pose.

No tutorial on the best male model poses would be complete without addressing the smize. Model poses nearly always come down to a captivating facial expression, and smiling with the eyes is how it's done. It doesn't matter if the photos are simple headshots or nude male model poses–the eyes are what sets the mood. In most male model poses for photography, the man has a nearly neutral facial expression–except for in the eyes. This simple element sets the mood for the whole photo, from fierce sexy eyes to relaxed or emotional eyes.

None of these rules are set in stone; if anything, they are made to be broken. Part of the creative process, for both the photographer and the model, needs to be figuring out the goals and message of an image. In some cases, it may be a project curated by a creative director, like a fashion shoot. In other cases, it just might be someone wanting honest portraits. Photos should share a vision, and it's up to the photographer to figure out what that vision is. 

As an aspiring model, you need an amazing modeling portfolio to kickstart your career. It’s your chance to make a great first impression on agencies and clients. It is important for you to put in the effort to get all aspects of your modeling portfolio right. It’s not only about shooting your portfolio, there’s a lot more planning that goes into creating a great portfolio. Pixpa enables models to easily create and manage a modeling website. Try it out with a 15-day free trial.

20 Male Model Poses and Ideas

Like all other posing, the typical male model poses for photoshoot settings are divided into three primary categories: standing, sitting, and reclined. But within this basic framework, there is plenty of room for variation. Modifications can be added with different leg, arm, and hand placement. The photographer can frame poses differently, depending on if they want a full-length, three-quarters, or headshot image. Here are some best tips for mastering headshot photography.

Standing Poses

Classic standing poses all apply to men as well as women. The difference is that with men, you must find a balance between too rigid and too soft. Motion is a great way to soften an image while maintaining the chiseled features and dominant look you may be going for. The best male model poses for photoshoot use are usually ones taken while moving.

Classic Contrapposto

A little study of the work of the masters is always a good place to start. In art, especially regarding the human body and poses, it has likely been done before. Contrapposto is an Italian word that describes the way a model puts their weight on only one leg, which makes their shoulders and arms turn off-center ever so slightly. This posture leads to a visually pleasing asymmetry in the body's shape. Probably the most famous example is Michaelangelo's statue of David.


Another way to loosen the frame and make an image appear more natural is to have the model lean on something. Walls are good, and you can have them stand on one leg while bending the other. The shot can be taken from any angle. Leaning adds a relaxed flair to photos, and when combined with other techniques outlined below, it can be the perfect look for male models.

Crossed Arms

Including body language in your photos is a great way to send a message. Crossed arms immediately give the idea of someone who is closed off or lost in their own thoughts. It gives a powerful independent look to your models. Use it carefully because it can disconnect your model from the message you're trying to send in the wrong setting.

Just as important as knowing when to use cross arms is knowing when it's not appropriate. If an image comes out looking uptight or closed off, try opening the model up by having them put their hands on their hips or in a pocket. Have him lean towards the camera and see how these things change the appearance of the image composition.

Jacket Over Shoulder

Accessories aren't just for the ladies. A classic, cool, yet professional look is the dapper "jacket on the shoulder" move. It says, "I'm professional with this jacket here, but I've taken it off to relax a little." And, of course, the jacket in question is worth some thought to. Is it a business suit because this executive just got out of the boardroom? Or is it wetsuit because this surfer just got out of the water? A leather bomber jacket because this ace pilot's just back from the war? You get the idea–tell a story.

Walking or Strutting?

Movement loosens a model up and makes the shot look more natural and fluid. But when a professional model starts walking, it is anything but relaxing from the job. Walking is an opportunity to strut their stuff, to work it. Sometimes it's stiff and awkward, but it works on camera.

Also Read: Best Fitness Websites To Check Out 

Sitting Poses

The next major group of poses is taken sitting down. The object being sat on adds to the photograph as well, so don't assume it has to be a chair. Musicians could sit on a guitar case, skaters on the rails at the skatepark, bikers on their Hogs.

The Thinker

For another take from classic art, check out the famous sculpture of this name by Auguste Rodin. The pose is the classic sitting pose, with the chin resting on an inward-turned hand. Modifications of this pose are always fabulous with male models.

Crossed Legs

Another powerful look with a laid-back vibe is to have the model cross their legs.

Backwards Chair

Star Trek fans will know this look as the Riker Maneuver. Have your model approach the chair backward, and straddle the chair back. Shoot from behind the chair, and have the model cross their arms or put their chin on their hand.


Stairs offer a lot of photographic possibilities. First off, the pattern and repetition can be used to make the composition more appealing. They are a nice neutral background that feels familiar, yet offers a lot of interest for the eye. Railings can be used for leaning shots. The stairs are useful for doing sitting and reclining poses. Try having the model lean towards the camera with a straight-back posture, and hang the arms over the knees.

Reclined Poses

Reclined poses are good for looking more informal and relaxed, but they need not look less manly. All of the same rules of posture and posing apply–look for sharp angles and avoid curves.

Use Your Hands

Our eyes are drawn to what the hands of others are doing. Our hand gestures are part of our human-to-human communication, so we look for cues from what people are doing with them. This suggestion isn't to say that a model's hands must always be communicating something, it's just to underscore the importance of them in the photo. They are one of the things people notice and take away.

Hands In Pockets

Hands in the jean's pockets is a classic hip look for photos. The key is to make sure that you don't make it look like the model has no hands, which is glaring and catches the eye for all the wrong reasons.

Hair Swipe

Another common look in regular and nude male model poses is the hair swipe. The model runs his fingers through his hair while looking at the camera. Depending on the facial expression, it can be anything from a sultry playful look to a simple candid moment.

Hand Gestures

Candid looking gestures aren't limited to the hair swipe. The model can pose with their hand on their chest, hips, or face. The best practice is to find a position that doesn't look too contrived; a good pose should be natural and fluid. Wardrobe adjustments are another excellent option, like playing with a belt buckle, adjusting a shirt collar, or holding the lapels of a sport coat. And of course, these shots can be used for fashion shoots to draw attention to the accessories in question. Here is our Guide to Hand modeling and everything you want to know about this sub genre of the modelling profession. 

Clasped Hands, Bent Arms

Finally, the model can clasp their hands together as a slight modification to crossed arms. The symmetry and pose are similar, but the attitude of the model looks more welcoming.


Headshots are an essential part of any model portfolio and any photographer's shot list. They are a great place to warm up before a shoot. For the model, they're a great way to practice their smize.

Male model poses for photography usually focus on masculinity, and in the face and head, the signature looks lie in a chiseled jawline and broad shoulders. Even in headshots, body posture is essential to show power in the shoulders. Leaning slightly in also helps keep the framing square. Headshots look great taken straight on, in a half-turn, and shot over the shoulder looking towards the camera. Remember to include arms and hands when applicable. Use the "hair swipe" shot listed above as a starting point.

Use a Prop

Props are always a great way to bring out more natural poses. Keep props simple and avoid things that will distract the viewer. Whether it is a musical instrument or football, it should always match your composition's mood and theme.

Candid Movements and Poses

Most photographers know this trick well. Some of the best images come not from the poses, but from candid shots between poses. Look for moments when the model is distracted and just being themselves. This tip may be more applicable to retail photographers working with the public. Commercial photographers working with professional models won't need to resort to this trick quite as often.


Male model poses for photography don't need to be complicated or extensively laid out. But for the working photographer, it helps to have a guide and have a few examples ready to go. When working with new models, you can analyze their previous work and look at idea boards together. This way, you can feel out their strengths and plan for a great shoot together. It also helps you as a photographer to have a plan for when you are inevitably confronted with a problematic posing situation and need some quick ideas.

Build your Online Modeling Portfolio

Now that you are aware of various modeling poses, you can showcase them on an online portfolio and get the dream job at a modeling agency. Having a great modeling portfolio is a force multiplier and increases your chances of getting the right assignments. Have a look at our article on top tips to be successful as a model. Pixpa offers a 15 day free trial to get you started with your online modeling portfolio.  Sign up today!


23 Male Model Poses & Prompts + Tips for Great Male Poses

Whether you’re photographing a male model or just a shy guy who’s having his first portrait photography session, this guide to male poses will help.

As a photographer, you’ll sometimes need to highlight your male subject’s masculinity, while other times you’ll simply want to create some more natural-looking photography poses.

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Solo Cards: Posing Made Simple

111 illustrations of amazing poses you can use as guidance when posing and directing men. Print the cards to keep in your pocket, or add them to your smartphone for quick reference.

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Whatever the case, having a handful of go-to modeling poses for male subjects under your belt is a great idea, both for your inspiration and for confidence while directing.

If you’re looking for general ideas on how to pose for pictures, this guide should help, but for now, let’s get stuck in to the tips!

Table of Contents

23 Natural Male Poses

In order to give you a good selection of male model poses, I’ve included male model images which show both standing and seated poses. Some of them you’ll come across in the average modeling portfolio or photo shoot, while other poses may be new to you.

Whatever the case, I hope these photos are a great way for you to get some fresh ideas for model poses and general body language direction for your subject at your next photo shoot.

Remember: these poses for men are meant to be a guide – you as the photographer should impart your own creativity to each of the poses, to make them your own. This is the key to creating truly individual photos.

1. Tilted Head

Credit: Keitravis Squire

This is one of the most popular but complicated male poses since it involves tilting the head and not turning the body. The camera focuses on the model who has to tilt the face in the opposite direction. It’s popular with magazine model poses, with the man’s face often being side lit.

If the male model is a heavy blinker, then ask him to be ready before you click a shot so you can get a decent photo with the eyes open. Alternatively, ask him to shut his eyes for a peaceful look, as seen in the image above, where the photographer has probably told his subject to relax and ignore the camera.

You can try to tilt the head a little more to get a good angle. Some angles may make the nose look bigger, and some will make it look sharper. The same goes for the chin and cheeks, so take care to find your perfect pose.

Side note: if ambient light and the current lighting conditions aren’t working for you, don’t be afraid to break out the off-camera flash.

2. Walking

Credit: Jeff Tumale (left)/ Pedram Normohamadian (right)

Walking – especially towards the camera – also makes it to the list of popular male poses, since it’s very natural. Most photographers prefer this shot in a formal setting, but it goes well in informal environments as well.

This is a great pose to start with for subjects that have trouble relaxing in front of the camera. Have your model start from a fair distance away and then walk casually toward you. The movement will help them loosen up, and you’ll come out with a set of dynamic images to boot.

For a more unusual portrait pose, you can also have them walk in other directions (i.e. past you). Just be careful where you have them looking.

Walking in a photo may seem somewhat cliché but it’s a popular fashion pose for good reason – it looks natural.

3. The Lean

Credit: Tyler Nix (left)/ Christian Buehner (right)

One of the more versatile males poses, the lean can be both relaxed and expressive.

Most leans are done with either the back or the shoulder against a wall. You can also have your model lean onto something like a bar table or a railing.

For a more intense vibe, keep the legs straight. For a more casual vibe, ask your model to lift one leg and put their foot against whatever he’s leaning against.

While the two example portraits above have their models leaning against a wall, you can use just about anything – a tree, a railing, a flag pole. This pose also looks great from different angles…possibilities are endless.

4. Hand In Pockets

Credit: Allef Vinicius (left)/ Dana Jm (right)

Hands in Pockets goes well with The Lean and many other standing poses. It gives the model a place to put their hands while offering a number of different expressions and moods.

It’s also a great way to get the guy to relax during the photos, if you find him looking a little wooden. Watch carefully for his body form, though – hands in pockets can sometimes look a bit too casual for some photoshoots.

You can use the front or rear pockets, one hand or both. Just ensure the thumb is hooked outside the pocket so that the hands don’t look like they’re “disappearing” into the pockets.

Check out more hand poses here.

5. Arms Crossed

Credit: Alex Perri (left)/ Ali Morshedlou (right)

Another pose that’s easy for inexperienced models is standing with the arms crossed. Depending on the facial expression, it can give an air of authority, a sense of edginess or defiance, or just pure expressiveness.

Like Hands In Pockets, this pose can be combined with many other poses, both sitting and standing. It’s also a great go-to if the model isn’t sure where to put their hands.

Be aware, though – in some situations, crossing the arms can also create a sense of being closed off or unavailable and may give off the wrong message.

6. Hand On Hip

Credit: Andrew Dick (left)/ Teryani Riggs (right)

One of the more standard male photography poses, the hand on hip is more versatile than it may seem at first. You can face the hand backwards or forwards, have the hand open or closed, and vary where on the hip your model places their hand.

The result can be a relaxed, casual look (the image to the right), a more posed, intense look (the image on the left), or anything in between. For best results, ensure the camera is positioned somewhat below the model’s eye level.

7. Adjusting the Wardrobe

Credit: Ges Photos (left)/ Pablo Padilla (right)

One of the favorite poses of wedding photographers, the Wardrobe Adjust, adds a sense of intimacy and movement to a portrait.

You can have him fix his tie, pop his collar, button his cufflinks, turn an item of jewelry, or touch his hat or watch. Your model can be looking at the camera, at the adjustment they’re making, or off to the side. Play around and see what works.

Keep in mind though: the adjustment doesn’t need to be a literal one…it’s the motion that counts.

Credit: Derick Mckinney

A bonus element of this pose is that it draws attention to the details of the outfit – another reason wedding and fashion photographers love it! So if you’re looking for some detail shots, this is a great pose to start work with.

8. Jacket Over the Shoulder

Male model poses | Credit: Teryani Riggs (left)/ Hejaz Memon (right)

Frequently used in fashion magazines, the Jacket Over the Shoulder pose is one of the best male poses for adding a touch of nonchalance or “attitude” to the portrait.

Credit: Michael Silkesjoo

It can be used with a model that’s standing still or moving. As far as gaze is concerned, they can be either looking directly at the camera or away.

Just make sure the jacket adds to the model’s outfit and the overall look you’re going for.

9. Contrapposto

Male model poses | Credit: JT Kim (left) / Pargat Dhillon (right)

For a truly classic look, consider the Contrapposto. It’s the pose you see in Michelangelo’s David and has been used throughout centuries of art.

In the Contrapposto, the model places most of his weight on one straightened leg while twisting his shoulders and arms a bit off-axis from his hips and legs. The other leg is bent at the knee.

Depending on how you do it, the Contrapposto pose will come across either as more dynamic or more relaxed than simply standing straight. Males look just as good as female models in this pose, and according to one study, it makes us look more attractive.

10. Holding One Arm

Male model poses | Credit: Andres Hernandez (left)/ Jennifer Marquez (right)

For a more vulnerable look, have your model reach across their chest and hold their upper arm. It’s important here that the arm be relaxed so that the model doesn’t come across as closed off.

You can have the model either facing the camera directly or facing off to the side.

11. Hand On Chest

Credit: Salah Amrani (left)/ Omid Armin (right)

Another pose that creates a sense of vulnerability, the Hand on Chest pose comes across as a bit more open than the Holding One Arm pose.

Have your model place one hand on their opposite shoulder. This will bring out interesting lines and angles while adding in a bit of introspection and mystery to the image.

You can also ask your model to hold on to a prop or his clothing.

12. Hands in Hair

Credit: Bruna Lima (left)/ Lesly Juarez (right)

The Hands In Hair pose is another favorite of the fashion photography industry. Having your model place their hands in their hair or run their fingers through it can make for some very compelling photos.

Photo Credit: Omid Armin

Depending on the facial expression, this pose can go for a sultry, intense look or a relaxed, spontaneous one. With the camera below the model’s eye level, this pose is also excellent for accenting the strength of the upper body.

13. Touching the Face or Neck

Credit: Taylor Hernandez (left)/ Junaid Aziz (right)

Similar to Hands in Hair, having your model touch their face or neck can bring out many different emotions.

For example, placing the hand on the chin can bring out an element of thoughtfulness or introspection. It can also highlight intensity, or even show a poker face.

Credit: Kazi Mizan (left)/ Bibek Thakuri (right)

Placing the hand on the back of the neck can create out a sultry look or make an image look more candid, depending again on the facial expression.

14. Knee Up (Standing)

Credit: Chander Mohan

For a pose full of relaxed confidence, find something for your model to place their foot on while standing. It can be a chair or a stump or a half-wall – whatever is at hand.

The height of the knee and the direction of the gaze will affect the mood of the look, so play around with different options. When the knee is high enough, you can also have your model lean an elbow on it.

15. Leaning Forward

Credit: Dmitry Vechorko (left)/ Victoria Volkova (right)

For a classic sitting pose, have your model lean forward and place either their hands, elbows, or arms on their knees.

If you like shooting male portraits that accent the model’s masculinity, use this pose and position the camera slightly below the model’s eye level and shoot up. This will give you the classic “power shot”.

16. The Thinker

Credit: Kazi Mizan (left)/ Raghav Bhadoriya (right)

A variation on Leaning Forward, the Thinker borrows its inspiration from the famous sculpture by Auguste Rodin.

Here, the model places his elbow on his knee and his chin on his inward-turned hand. It’s an excellent male model pose for more serious portraits and is generally associated with thoughtfulness and sometimes even heroism.

17. Leaning Into the Arm

Credit: Kevin Quezada

Another variation of Leaning Forward, having your model lean into their arm while seated shifts the focus from “powerful” to being more vulnerable and approachable.

18. Knee Up (Sitting)

Credit: Sumit Kapoor

For this pose, have your model sit on the floor (or wall or bench) and bring one knee up. From there, rest the elbow on the knee and make sure their chest is open and facing at least somewhat towards the camera. The hand can rest on the chin, in the hair or behind the head.

Credit: Jake Noren

There are several different looks possible from this pose – everything from the classic James Dean effect to simple and straightforward. It really depends on what model look you’re going for.

19. Clasping Hands

Credit: James Barr (left)/ JJ Jordan (right)

Another great sitting pose for men; the Clasping Hands pose adds an element humbleness and approachability to your portraits. This shot is generally done with the model’s elbows on his knees but also can be done while holding the elbows close to the body.

Also, if you’re going for detail shots, this is a great pose for getting a close-up of his hands and/or drawing attention to any jewelry or tattoos he might have.

(This seated pose can be done with or without a chair.)

20. The Backward Chair

Credit: Christian Buehner (left)/ Marllon Cristhian Barbosa (right)

Another favorite male model look, this pose can be found on everything from album covers to senior portraits to Star Trek. It conveys a sense of relaxed self-assurance and, depending on how you work it, independence or rebelliousness.

Once seated with the chair turned around, have your subject rest their elbows, hands, or even their chin on the back of the chair. There are a lot of possibilities here, as the subject can cross his arms, put his chin on his hand, or touch his face or neck.

21. Crossed Legs

Credit: Vishan Lakhiani (left)/ Yogendra Singh (right)

There are a couple of ways to do the Crossed Legs pose. Sitting with just one leg crossed over the other with the ankle resting on the knee is more of a business casual look.

Sitting cross-legged on a floor, bed, sofa or other flat surfaces will give you a more care-free, candid feel.

Either way, it’s one of the easier male poses to work with.

22. Squatting

Credit: Wallace Chuck (left)/ Luis Quintero (right)

For a more unusual male model pose, try having them squat. This pose is usually done with a bit of attitude thrown in, but you can also have the model go for thoughtfulness or joy.

Pay special attention to the background in your shot with this pose, though, as it will be more noticeable in this stance than in some of the others.

23. Props

Credit: unknown

While not precisely a pose, using props in your male model shots can add a ton of versatility to your portrait photography. The props can vary from items they hold in their hand (like flowers) to a car, skateboard, or basketball.

You name it – the sky’s the limit. Just ensure the prop makes sense with the look you’re going for and matches their wardrobe.

Male Poses FAQ

How should men pose for portraits?

If you’re going for masculinity, make sure that the model pushes his chin out and tilts it a little bit down. This will help bring out a strong jawline.

How do men prepare for a photoshoot?

Men can best prep for their photoshoots by grooming meticulously and making sure their outfit(s) match the intention of the shoot. It’s also helpful to talk with the photographer beforehand to see what expectations they may have.

How can I be more photogenic?

Being photogenic is comprised of many aspects. Facial expression, stance, overall posing and outfit are only part of the equation. The most moving element will be the emotion you convey. Find a strong emotion that you can bring out in your eyes and essence. That will make your portraits compelling.

Poses for Men – Final Words

Remember that the key to success is to engage with your subject, to illicit the most natural poses during your photoshoot.

On the one hand, you’ll need to guide and direct your subject to some extent, but after that, it’s important to interact naturally to try and get the guy to relax.

I hope these male model poses have helped you out with some new ideas.

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111 illustrations of amazing poses you can use as guidance when posing and directing men. Print the cards to keep in your pocket, or add them to your smartphone for quick reference.

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Men's poses for a photo shoot in the street or in the studio: 20 posing options for beautiful photos of guys and men

It's no secret that men don't particularly like to be photographed. For some reason, this seems unworthy to the stronger sex. That is why photo shoots of guys are much less common than women or children. And few guys love and know how to show off in front of the camera, unlike girls.

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The prospect of being in front of a camera seems like a daunting task for many men. Nevertheless, there are many photo shoots of guys. For some, this is a professional task, while others get such an unusual gift. But guys in general feel uncomfortable in front of the camera, the whole shooting for them is sheer stress. As a result, both the photographer and the organizer of the photo shoot begin to get nervous. But many problems can be avoided if you correctly approach the organization of a photo shoot, take into account the inevitable little things and choose the right poses.

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Preparing for a photo session

Careful planning of any event increases the chances of its success. Before the photo session, it is also worth talking with the photographer and the guy some points.

Choosing a location

There are many places that can become the basis for a photo shoot. No one forces you to lock yourself in the studio. It can be a park, cafe, office or home. The list is only limited by your imagination. The main thing is that the guy should feel as comfortable as possible in this place

Choice of shooting style

And in this matter, the number of options is truly limitless. For example, classic portrait photography can be organized not only in the studio, but also on the street. The season will only add spice. Evening and night shots are popular, but in any case, scenery is secondary in portrait shooting. For young men, a popular fashion shoot may suit, in which the emphasis will be on a stylish wardrobe. A thrash-style photo shoot with ripped jeans, heavy boots and casual shirts will suit the rebels. The scene for such shooting can be garages, abandoned workshops. A photo shoot in the style of "military" means military clothing and even weapons.

Choice of clothes and props

It is worth carefully considering the image of the guy. Clothing is especially important if you want to create a certain image. When preparing, you can choose as many options for outfits of various styles as possible, so that later you have plenty to choose from. Clothing can even suggest the nature of future photos. Comfortable clothes will help the guy to relax. It is worth paying attention to props. Many items can emphasize the inner world of a man: a bottle of cognac, a cigar, a guitar, a mobile gadget.

Meet the photographer

If the photographer is a stranger until the moment of cooperation, then it is better to discuss all the nuances with him, agree on the rules and discuss shooting options. Perhaps the subject is afraid of certain angles and wants to emphasize something certain about himself. A trusting relationship with the photographer helps to liberate yourself. The specialist has to be a bit of a psychologist in order to learn more about the person with whom he has to work.

The right attitude

This item is important both for the guy himself and for the organizer. It should be understood that even an hour and a half of shooting will make everyone tired. A man should understand what he is getting into, calm down and trust the photographer. In most cases, everyone is satisfied with the result.

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How to look good in the frame

If you analyze the photos of men in social networks, then the skill of posing will be found in few people. Most often, men prefer to just stand straight in front of the camera. Others, on the contrary, demonstrate relaxation in every possible way, which further emphasizes self-doubt at this moment. And before we go directly to the possible options for poses, it is worth paying attention not to the basics of male posing. For such a case, the most natural poses look best, the simpler they are, the better.

How to look cool?

To create such an image, it is not at all necessary to strain all your muscles and emphasize your brutality in every possible way. Best of all, masculinity emphasizes confidence. And the facial expression should be calm. Regardless of the location of the model, do not forget about posture. You can't look cool without a straight back.

Is it necessary to smile in the photo?

The guy in the photo can and should even smile. And let someone be content with the principle “men don’t cry”, but what does the smile have to do with it? Even if you do not want to portray unbridled fun, you can simply slightly expand the line of the mouth. But even the complete absence of a smile will be better than a forced artificial grimace.

Masculinity of the figure

To better emphasize the masculinity of the figure - broad shoulders and muscles, you need to stand so that your shoulders look at the camera, but at the same time your hips turn slightly to the side, just a couple of degrees.

Confident look

To look confident, you just need to look in the direction where the face is turned. Looking away will give the illusion of embarrassment or flirtatiousness. For a male image, this is rarely appropriate.

Do not stand in one position for a long time

A man will have to work at a photo session: change postures, facial expressions, emotions, head turns. The photographer will already be catching good shots. If you need to take several shots in one position, then the man will simply be asked to freeze or take the desired position.

Listen to the photographer

Don't expect the photographer to point out every step of the model, but the hints will still sound. The opinion of a professional should not be neglected. Only the joint work of the model and the photographer can provide a cool result.

♥ BY TOPIC: How to create a painting from photos for free on AI Portraits.

Best Male Photo Poses

Standing Arms Crossed

This is a very simple pose, great for a male portrait. It is necessary to cross your arms over your chest, but at the same time, your shoulders should be slightly pulled back and your stomach drawn in - you should not forget about posture. This closed position will give a man confidence. For a man, this pose is quite natural, it is no coincidence that it is often chosen for amateur shots.

Standing full length with arms crossed

A similar pose can be used for full length photography. The arms should be crossed at chest level, the hands should be placed on the elbow bends, and the thumbs should be hidden inward. The model can cross her legs so that one is slightly in front of the other. And at the same time, the weight must be transferred mainly to one leg, otherwise the pose will seem awkward.

Full length with hand in pocket

This pose can be considered a development of the previous one. Only this time one hand can be put in the pocket, and the other left relaxed.

Hands in pockets

If you place your hands completely or partially in the front pockets of your trousers, you will get the most natural and relaxed posture. She has two options:

  • with her hands folded into a fist at waist level, with her thumbs in her pockets;
  • with the brush hidden in the pocket and the thumbs left outside.

With an object thrown behind the back

This pose also develops the previous one. It is enough just to throw some object over your shoulder: a jacket, a briefcase. You can cross your legs and put your hand or thumb in your pocket.

♥ BY TOPIC: How to change gender in Snapchat on photos and videos. Try it - very funny.

Asymmetrical pose

In this pose, the weight of the body should be transferred to one leg. The second leg can be set aside or crossed with the first. For the natural position of the body, it is necessary to take a step, but not to attach the second leg. It is not at all necessary to be located directly under the camera, you can sit half-turned. Hands can also be given a certain freedom: folded on the chest, hidden in pockets. The more natural the pose for a man, the more alive the photos will turn out.

Full length leaning against a wall

The man may lean with his back against a wall or vertical surface with his hands in his pockets. The view will be even more relaxed if there is also a leg bent at the knee leaning against the wall. It is not necessary to look into the lens, you can turn your head slightly to one side.

Leaning against the wall

This pose works well for both formal portraits and impromptu ones. Crossed legs emphasize the confident position of the body. The posture implies external relaxation and even slight negligence. The head can be tilted slightly.

With object in hand

This is a very simple business portrait pose. And the object in the hand, whether it be a laptop or a tool, can indicate the occupation of a man.

Relaxed sitting on the table

This position may not be very etiquette, but no one forces you to climb onto the table with your feet. It is enough just to sit on its edge. In this free and relaxed pose, the hands should rest freely on the hips, they can be folded on the chest, rest against the table top, or put in pockets.

Sitting at a table

Pretty simple posture for a person sitting at a table. But the main thing at the same time is not to portray an exemplary and clamped schoolboy. And the occupation of the model can show objects located on a horizontal surface. It can be a laptop, tablet, book, cup. It is allowed to lean forward slightly or turn around half a turn. You can put your hands in front of you or touch one of them on the chin, take an object. This will give the frame a natural look.

Sitting at a table with an extended shoulder

This posture is slightly different from the previous one. But it is well suited for business portraits, emphasizing the image of a wealthy and self-confident man.

♥ BY TOPIC: What is the "golden hour" when taking a photo, or what time of day is best to take pictures on the street.

Sideways on a chair

This characteristic pose looks creative. But at the same time, the chair on which the model sits must be turned sideways or back to the camera lens.

Arms crossed at the table

Crossed arms can be leaned on and items related to the male profession can be placed on the table.

With support at hand

A photo in which a man's hand is located on some kind of support will look attractive: a table, chair, window sill. You can diversify the portrait by asking to lean with your hip on the edge of the table, cross your legs or arms.

Sitting comfortably in a chair

This dominant pose works well for corporate or formal portraits. The leg can be put one on the other, and the hand - on the knee or armrest. But it's definitely not worth keeping your head up. You can even not look into the frame, turning your head slightly to the side.

Sitting on the ground without support

A simple and natural pose has many variations to suit changing camera angles. In this case, you need to succumb slightly forward, straightening your shoulders. You can put your legs in front of you and put your hands on them, or you can cross them, leaving your hands in the center.

Sitting on the ground, leaning on his hands

A man would look good in this position outdoors. You can lean on one hand, and put the other on a raised knee. The angle is very important, but this is the work of the photographer.

Sitting at ease on the ground

In this relaxed and relaxed position, you can naturally cross your legs.

Relaxed, reclining against the wall

The man can sit with his back against a wall or some object. In this case, one leg can be bent at the knee. Legs can be extended or crossed at the ankles. The back should be relaxed, but not spread over the support.


Don't be afraid to take a close-up of the model's face. Let the man be the main subject in the frame. You can take many pictures from different angles, show different emotions, turn your head or tilt it, bring your hands to your face. The pose can be any, because the emphasis is on the face. The main work is given to the photographer - he selects the angle and lighting.

See also:

  • How to take a good photo: 12 simple tips for those who want to improve the quality of their photos.
  • Cool ideas for taking photos and videos on iPhone, or features you might not know about.
  • Levitagram, or how to create a photo with the effect of levitation (flight) on the iPhone.

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poses and styles, 92 photo ideas for street and studio

At heart, many men dream of participating in professional photography, but not always decide on it. It is worth at least once to be in front of the camera with a photographer, to try on a brutal or classic image, as all stereotypes are destroyed. Men's photo shoot in the studio or outdoors gives you the opportunity to get stylish photos for a model portfolio, social media page, resume or home photo collection . Masculinity, romance or aggressiveness in photographs attracts the attention of girls. Among the huge number of styles and poses for a male photo shoot, you can choose what will characterize you.

1 Psychological features of a male portrait

2 Types of male photography

3 Male photo session in the street

3.1 Photo session for a man in the city

3.2 Photo session in nature

4 Photo session of a man in an interior 900 902 90.0 indoors

4.2 Men's photoshoot in studio

5 Choice of style for men's photo shoot

6 Poses for men's photo shoot

6.1 Photo standing

6.2 Male Portrait in ANFAS

6.3 Male photo in the profile

6.4 Leaning against the vertical

6.5 Asymmetric pose

6.6 at the workplace

6.7 sitting on the table 9000 6.8 sitting at the table

9000 6.9 6.9 6.9 Dominant

6.10 Sitting on the ground

6.11 Unsupported

6.12 Arms supported

6.13 Vertically supported

6.14 Close-up

7 Ideas for a men's photo shoot

7. 1 Men photo shoot with a machine

8 Preparations for men's photography

8.1 Selection of clothing for a photo shoot

8.2 Accessories in men's photo shoots

8.3 Prepare shoes for shooting

9000 8.4 Men 9000

. 8.5 Men's make-up - necessary for photography

Psychological features of a male portrait

If, when photographing a girl, the master seeks to embody tenderness, sexuality, sometimes looseness in her image, then in the case of men, the emphasis is on something else: on masculinity, closeness, coolness, or even professionalism. That is, on those features that are considered traditionally inherent in the stronger sex. A classic photo session for men is a studio or a city, an urban or natural landscape in which the main character wanders, showing himself from his own sides. Here he sits down on a bench and smokes, leans against the wall, arms folded and looking past the camera, looks into the distance and his face is spiritual and courageous. Variations are allowed, of course: the emphasis can shift towards aggressiveness or sadness, rebelliousness or cold professionalism. But openly expressed sexuality, undisguised softness and tenderness, emphasizing innocence in the image - this is not very typical for male photographs, this will need to be negotiated with the photographer separately. From a technical point of view, a male photo session is not much different from a photo shoot where the photographer works with a woman or a child. But in the field of accents, preferred images, poses and colors, the difference is huge. A photo session for men is a difficult process for both the photographer and the model. Representatives of the stronger sex 9It is difficult for 0019 to admit his inability to pose for the camera, his fears and insecurities .

Being under the lens of the lens, many men get lost, pinched and behave unnaturally . But still - far from everything! In order for the photo session to be successful, the photographer and the model need to meet in advance, discuss the nuances and, ideally, establish contact that will allow them to hear each other during the photo shoot.

Usually, it is more familiar and easier for photographers to work with uninhibited girls who are ready to experiment from the first minute of shooting. It must be understood that for girls, a photo session has a different meaning. They enjoy not only the result of shooting, but also the process itself. Ladies like to dress up, pose for the camera, trying on all sorts of images. Men's photo shoot requires clarity, clarity and concentration.

It is important for young people to feel psychological comfort while working in a photo studio. In order for the shooting to be productive and pleased with its result, the photographer must find an individual approach to the model. It is important for men to understand why this or that pose is needed, how to show emotions more effectively, what will come of it.

Every professional photographer has secrets of how to shoot a male portrait so that the client is satisfied. Here are just some of the obvious principles for the success of any male photo shoot:

  • the right wardrobe;
  • quality lighting;
  • experienced photographer;
  • a good place to shoot;
  • psychological and physical looseness of the model during posing.

Men's photo shoot is held to show young people from an original, interesting side. Boldness, strength and charisma look advantageous. In a male portrait, there is rarely a place for grace and softness (although everything depends very much on the plot and character!). The photo shows correct facial features, body relief, status, mind, hobby or masculine character.

Types of male photography

When the general idea of ​​photography is chosen, you need to choose an interior or exterior that will work best with the chosen image. A photo session of a man can take place in a photo studio, in nature, in an office, in a city, at home. Types of male photography directly depend on the goals of the hero of our shooting. Among the main reasons to go to the photographer are the following desires:

  • win the admiration of female representatives;
  • demonstrate attractiveness, success or wealth;
  • take memorable shots for a photo collection;
  • save your hobbies and passions in photographs;
  • make a portrait in a business style for placement in a resume or on the company's website;
  • have fun and take photos that shock the public and possibly catch a hype in social networks ;-)

To choose an idea and style for a male photo shoot, you first need to decide what you want to get in the end. Each type of shooting needs its own entourage, background, emotional mood and angle. Accessories in the form of a motorcycle, guitar, boxing gloves, laptop or phone will help to make shots more expressive. The finished picture will be obtained only if the style, location and image of the model are harmoniously combined.

Men's photo shoot on the street

Man's photo shoot in the city

The city is endless opportunities to take advantage of. For example:

  • Day streets . It is good to show dynamics, vigor and pleasure from life in the modern world on them. Let the main character walk, look into the distance, sit on a bench, stand on the stairs, enter a cafe or shop, or climb a Ferris wheel. There is a lot of light, even more activities, you can take portrait photos, and pictures at work or while walking, or story, genre photos.
  • Night streets . Ideal to show the image of a rebel, loneliness and freedom. More lanterns, more dancing through the empty streets, running through the park at night, and anything else. You can find an abandoned construction site or shoot a model next to a beautiful view of the whole city.

Men's photo shoot, shot on the street, allows you to change several locations and backgrounds in one walk. In the city, noisy streets, squares, historical sites, bridges, as well as areas where business centers are concentrated are suitable for shooting. You can go to a summer cafe, pose against the backdrop of fashion boutiques or stand at an ordinary pole. The main thing in male shooting in urban conditions is the atmosphere and emotions. This is comfort, self-sufficiency and confidence.

If you want the men's photo session to take place at a calm pace, choose the morning hours for it, when the street is not crowded. For a male photo shoot in the city, the following accessories are suitable:

  • hat;
  • glasses;
  • coffee cup;
  • diary;
  • laptop

Outdoor photography is best done in fine weather with natural light. The exception is photographs against the backdrop of night city lights. But remember that rules are there to be broken. For example, rainy and inclement weather can play a role in the idea of ​​gloomy or harsh photographs, consciously using such an atmosphere to convey the intended image or character of the character.

Photo shoot in nature

During a male photo shoot in nature, the photographer has the same problems as in the city - you need to be ready to improvise and use everything that you find in a particular location. Therefore, if you do not feel confident, come to the chosen location in advance and outline a shooting plan. However, the game is worth the candle, because by combining nature and man, you can get frames of intoxicating beauty. Anything will do - a forest or a small grove, a large field or a lake shore. You can even do without the image, just shooting a handsome man in a delightful environment. A photo session for a man in nature suggests relaxation, active sports, walks and hobbies as the main idea for photographs. The photo shoot can take place in a park, on a sports ground, on a city embankment or in a forest. If you are embarrassed by prying eyes, go to nature outside the city. The plot can be based on one of the following ideas:

  • a walk on the pier with yachts or ships in the background;
  • playing sports, running in the park with a dog;
  • standing in the middle of the road, on the bridge;
  • leisurely walk or picnic near the trees or on a bench in an autumn park;
  • lying or sitting on the grass near a river or in a field;

Men's photo shoot in the interior

Successful photos at a men's photo shoot can be obtained both in a stylized studio and in urban interiors. Suitable surroundings and background for a photo can be found at home, at work, in a restaurant or cafe, in a shopping center, in a garage and in other public places. The interior affects the perception of the whole plot. With it, it is easy to demonstrate the image, status, mood and feelings.

Men's photo shoot at home or in another room

The interior option is good because it is completely controlled. It may rain or wind in the city, the light may suddenly go out or, on the contrary, become too bright. A photographer needs to be able to improvise and work according to circumstances. In the room, the light is set using bright lamps, the accents are placed independently: a vase of flowers, an open laptop, graffiti on the wall, a poster or a photo in a frame - you can emphasize the image with little things, strengthen and deepen it. That is why portrait photography is most often carried out precisely in interior conditions. Classic places for male photo shoots in the interior:

  • in your stylish kitchen or living room at home;
  • in a cozy cafe at a table or bar counter;
  • in a luxury hotel room;
  • in a restaurant with panoramic windows;
  • in the office or behind the workplace;
  • at the window in any room;
  • any specific space associated with a man's profession or hobby: garage, music studio or art studio;

The emphasis on the photo with an expensive interior is both on the man and on the details surrounding him. Style harmony is very important. If you are doing a photo shoot for a man at home, use everything you find in the room - sofas, chairs and tables, the interior of a living room or kitchen, details of a person’s habitat can tell a lot about him in photographs. The main thing is to use all this in his interests ;-).

Men's photo shoot in the studio

Men's stylish photo shoots in the studio allow you to achieve any result. If you want to get a business image, a black and white portrait, try on an aggressive mask, go to a photo studio in search of a suitable entourage. Only you will be in the center of the frame. Shooting a classic male portrait does not require additional accessories and complex scenery. You can stand in front of a brick or white wall, sit on a chair or on a ladder.

If your goal is to get photographs in a thematic style, then you will have to try to translate ideas. For a military look, you will need a military uniform, bandana, weapons or sunglasses. And to get a realistic rock musician, you have to get a guitar or drum set.

Choosing a style for a male photo shoot

Any format of a male photo shoot implies a demonstration of the personal qualities and character of the model. Almost all ideas for a male photo shoot are designed to show the positive side of a person. Through posture, movement, gaze and facial expressions, moods and feelings can be conveyed. The style for the photo should reveal the personality and be in harmony with his clothes, postures and facial expressions. Most often, young people at a photo shoot use an image that will reflect in the photograph:

  • confidence;
  • charm;
  • force;
  • charisma;
  • masculinity

On holidays, it becomes important to give certificates for photography as a present to friends and relatives. Therefore, men, photo shoots for which have become a kind of gift of fate, may not even know what they need to do, how to pose and how to prepare for photography. You can use the help of a photographer or contact a stylist.

Men's photo shoot poses

For those of the stronger sex who are preparing for a men's photo shoot for the first time, it will be useful to familiarize themselves with simple male poses. Depending on the image, background and emotions of the model, the body position and facial expression can carry a different semantic load.

Standing photo

In order to get a beautiful standing photo during a male photo session, it is important to monitor your posture, draw in your stomach, straighten and pull your shoulders back. For a good angle, a pose is suitable when a man stands at full height, crossing his arms over his chest. It is very important to be natural and not strain. You can also cross your legs or put one on your toe.

Front view of a man

Front view is the view you get if you shoot a person looking directly at the camera. When a man has a deep look, full-face shots are very expressive. Almost every male photo session begins with this pose. Stand up straight, look confidently at the camera or to the side, hands can be put in pockets.

Profile photo of a man

It's a great idea to take a profile photo of a man. As a rule, portraits are very characteristic and charismatic.

Leaning against the vertical

Interesting poses and scenes will be obtained if you use a wall, a tree, a vertical ladder, a lamppost as a background. You can touch them with your back or just lean on your hand. The gaze during a male photo shoot should be directed at the photographer or into the distance. It is better to hold some kind of accessory in your hands - a cigarette, glasses or a briefcase.

Asymmetrical pose

If you shift your body weight on one leg and bend the other at the knee, while throwing a jacket over your shoulder, you will get a great shot. You can complement it with a confident smile, smirk or a serious look. Another example of an asymmetrical posture is when a young man touches his hair with one hand, while the other clings to a belt. Try to turn your torso a few centimeters away from the camera, but look into the lens.

In the workplace

The standard pose, in which a man sits cross-legged, is easy to replicate in a work office. You can sit at the table or in the office for negotiations. To do this, put on a suit or shirt, pick up a phone or pretend to work at a computer. A business photo session cannot do without such business images. Another idea is to stand up to your full height, pick up a diary and direct a thoughtful look at the window.

Sitting on a table

For successful business people, a very important factor is the seriousness of photography, a photo session of men should correspond to their status. To take an original picture, you can sit on the edge of the table in the office or in a makeshift office in the photo studio.

Rules of etiquette and common sense do not allow a businessman to put his feet on the table completely. And in a creative thematic photo shoot, such a plot is possible.

Sitting at the table

A rather simple and natural posture is obtained at the table. A man can put his hands on the tabletop, touch his chin with his hands, or hold his hands relaxed behind his head, leaning back in his chair. In order to indicate the type of activity, work items should be added to the frame. They can be drawings or maps, books, documents. A natural photo will come out if the model turns halfway, and the photographer shoots from the back.


The role of a self-confident boss will become an authoritative and dominant image for a photo session. Here you can not do without a decisive look. A man can relax in a chair, cross his legs, smoke a pipe. Every movement and emotion must express strength. For a successful shot, you should rehearse a gaze, an impudent smirk, or a serious facial expression filled with meaning.

Sitting on the ground

In a photography studio or outdoors, try the sitting position. It will effectively turn out both on the floor and on grass or earth. You can make juicy shots in nature, sitting in the grass. Even easier is to go to a photo studio with a fireplace and sit comfortably in front of it. It is very convenient to take photos with a pet in this position.


The mesmerizing scenery of the beach is ideal for seated shots without support from the arms. A man can admire the sunset or look at the water. It is more convenient to place the legs in front of you, bend, and clasp your knees with your hands. This is a great pose for a male photo shoot in the field, on the banks of the river or in the forest.


A natural pose that is easy to replicate under any conditions is the sitting position, when one or both of the subject's hands rest on the floor. The photographer can choose an interesting angle, suitable light and the right shooting angle to show the model from the best side.


For a casual male photo shoot, you can use the sitting position against a wall or a tree. Wear comfortable clothing: jeans, t-shirt, plaid shirt. Sit on the floor, stretch or bend your legs, leaning back against the wall. The classic pose looks simple: the model sits with her back and the back of her head against the wall, her legs are bent at the knees, her hands are relaxed on them. Or, if so uncomfortable, you can stretch your legs and cross your arms over your chest.

To achieve a relaxed posture, sit comfortably, do not slouch or tense up. A beautiful shot against the backdrop of nature will turn out if you lean on the wheel of a car while sitting on the ground.


A man's photo session cannot do without close-ups. There are no ready-made solutions for them - the details, the best angles depend on the specific person and image. Shooting from different angles, applying black and white effects, unexpected angles - all this will help to make a cool portrait. The model can look at the camera, raise her head, frown, smile, raise her hand to her face, look away or lower her eyes. The main secret of the close-up is emotions. Masterpiece photos are obtained when a man knows how to express his feelings with his eyes. Minimalism and black and white effect in the pictures will make facial features even more expressive. There should be a lot of pictures so that later you can choose the best ones from them.

Ideas for a men's photo shoot

Men's photo shoot with a car

We all know how men love cool cars, motorcycles, ships and other technical means of transportation - so why not use it in a photo shoot?

Preparing for a male photo shoot

Preparing for a photo shoot starts with coming up with an idea for an image and trying to determine what the model wants to get as a result. It can be, for example:

  • Just a beautifully presented appearance. Then it will be enough styling, properly selected clothes and discreet makeup, which will be invisible as a result.
  • Emphasized character trait. Then it will be necessary to focus on showing exactly her. A man wants to look brutal in the photo? Then you need a T-shirt, under which muscles, a barbell, a lot of light and mirrors are visible. Do you want to emphasize your coldness? Then he will need an outfit in dark, strict colors and suitable accessories - for example, an umbrella, a cane and a tie.
  • A certain image. It can be a medieval aristocrat, a cheerful rebel, a hero-lover - everything needs an appropriate frame.

It's better to come up with the general idea of ​​a photo session before contacting a photographer. Most masters have a section on the site called "men's photo session" or "photo of men", and there you can see in what style the photographer shoots and how well he does it. And, if he is used to the usual portrait shooting, and the model wants to look like Batman in the pictures or try on another unusual image, then it is better to look for another person.

Selection of clothes for a photo shoot

When the idea is thought up and discussed with the photographer, it's time to prepare and select the details of the image. Clothing sets the background, which is then complemented by nuances. For example:

  • for the image of a professional in his field, you need the appropriate things - from a formal suit for an office clerk to bright overalls for a road worker;
  • For portrait photography you need things that do not distract from the face and sit on the figure - the classic option is dark trousers and a white shirt;
  • For the image of a hero or a person of a certain period, appropriate things are needed - for example, a black cloak for Batman or a tailcoat with a top hat for a dandy of the late 19th century.

If the men's photo session is held outdoors, you should take a warm jacket with you. And you need to get to the venue in casual clothes so as not to stain or tear the outfit for shooting.

Accessories for the men's photo shoot

We've decided on the clothes and the place — then we need to decide what to do with the accessories.

It can be anything: profession attributes, books, flowers, animals, photographs, weapons, cigarettes or bottles of alcohol. The main thing is that things should fit into the image and emphasize it.

So, giving a cigarette to a guy who wants to look liberated and a little brutal in the photo is worth it. But for someone who emphasizes their muscles and demonstrates a love for sports, it will completely ruin the whole image.

Getting ready for shooting

Shoes must be at least two pairs. One to get to the studio in it (or to the shooting location, if it is a street), the second to fit it into the image and capture it in the photo. The first should be comfortable, the second should fit into the overall concept - and this is where the requirements end.

Man's styling for a photo shoot

In real life, a man may look "a little prettier than a monkey", as in the old joke, but in the photo he should look interesting and advantageous for himself. Therefore, without the services of a hairdresser who will take care of styling, you can not do.

A man's hairstyle should also play into the image. A deliberately disheveled haircut is suitable for a brutal macho, for a professional in his field - especially if he has clothes, this is a strict suit - a neat hair to hair hairstyle, a wild bouffant for a rebel.

For a portrait photo session, it is worth consulting with the master, and style your hair in such a way that it emphasizes the advantages, while hiding the imperfections of the face.

Man's make-up - needed for photography

The very idea of ​​make-up may seem ridiculous, but you can't do without it to create an image - it will emphasize the best, give the face that beauty that it may lack in everyday life. The foundation will hide the imperfections of the skin, skillfully used shadows will make the look more expressive, a small amount of lipstick will highlight the lips.

To make the result at the same time imperceptible and beneficially transforming the facial features of the hero of the photo shoot , it is worth using the services of a professional stylist, and, preferably, working with the photographer.

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