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Best time for newborn photos

A Parents Guide To Newborn Photography

As a portrait studio that specializes in Newborns, we’ve found literally every mama has the same question, ‘What do I need to know about newborn photos?’

At what age should newborn photos be taken?

The best time for newborn photos is between 7 and 10 days after birth. The first few days are hard, you’re just meeting each other and figuring each other out.

If you carried your baby, you’re also still bloated and frankly tired.

The younger the baby, the more naturally they pose like they are still in the womb. That’s how you get those curly, womb-like newborn poses.

Now, all that being said. Anytime is literally the perfect time for newborn photos.

Frankly, my first daughters’ newborn pictures were done at 6 weeks, I didn’t have this amazing guide to tell me I should do them sooner. And my second daughter was 6 weeks premature. Since we always recommend adjusting, hers were also done at 6 weeks.

I love and cherish our newborn photos as much as if they were taken between 7-10 days.

Our recommendation is to book your newborn photo session in advance based on your due date, then adjust as needed. They’re only this little once, so getting them as close to the 7-10 days as possible ensures you capture them before they grow too much!

What Safety precautions should be taken with newborn photoshoots?

Currently there are no safety regulations in place for the newborn photography industry which we think is rather crazy.

Literally, anyone who owns a camera can begin photographing newborns with no training or knowledge of the special needs of infants, what, I know crazy!

Baby safety should always be the number one priority when selecting a photographer. Literally, number one. Babies can startle and move easily so it’s very important to be prepared to anticipate and always be close enough to put your hand on the baby.

Some things a trained newborn photographer will consider are room temperature, baby’s temperature and well-being, compositing only for certain poses, or only offering baby-guided posing and posing safely. Your newborn photographer should be insured in order to protect you and your newborn bundle.

Should newborn portraits be done in the hospital?

Nope, no, definitely not.

Ok, that might be a bit harsh. Here’s the deal, in the hospital no one is comfortable, it’s simply not home. Not home for you and not home for your baby.

You’ve just been through a trauma, either through vaginal delivery or a c-section. And they frankly have just entered this bright and very noisy world where they are expected to eat and all sorts of other crazy new things.

From a technical perspective, hospital lighting is very harsh and not designed to make baby and mama look their best. You’re bloated and trying to figure out how to feed your baby.

Also, they don’t do family portraits. This means you won’t be in the images and frankly, that makes us sad. You’ll look back and want to see the wonder you feel for this tiny little creature that just changed your life. One of my favorite images ever is of my oldest daughter in my husband’s hands, you get to see just how little she was.

And a nurse is waking you (or both of you) up every two hours. Now does that sound like a recipe for amazing images that you want to cherish forever? Nope, take your time at the hospital to meet and simply be with the new love of your life.

Can my wedding photographer or family photographer shoot my newborn photos?

Great question. The answer typically is no, your wedding or family photographer should not take your newborn photos. Your newborn is literally the most precious thing in this world and ever so fragile.

Do you hand your newborn to simply anyone to hold (ok, if it’s your fourth child, maybe)? But all kidding aside, it takes years of training and practice to know how to safely handle and pose a baby. 

It is not something every photographer is trained to know how to do.  Think of it like this, you baked a cake for your BFFs birthday, can you now run a world-renowned bakery? Of course not, but you do deserve a cupcake because you just literally grew a human.

Now if your wedding photographer is a total unicorn and does event-based photography like weddings and newborns, check out their credentials and training and if they’re experts go for it!

What are good newborn photo props?

You. Your baby. Your partner. Siblings.

Nothing else, we have a firm belief that simple is always better. Too much stuff distracts from your newborn which is what you ultimately care about.

When you look back on these images in 20 years, you will care that they have that same smile or the same little freckle. You will care how little their fingers were.

You won’t care about the theme or the balloons or the background.

That’s why we believe in clean, simple backgrounds that are timeless.

Ok so now that my philosophy is out of the way, let’s chat logistics.

An expert in newborn photography will have a ‘bean bag’ or the likes that is a soft place to pose the baby. Some are on the floor and some are on tables (just make sure someone is always,  ALWAYS, touching the baby as they can roll at any moment).

They will also have props specifically designed for newborns – bowls, baskets, etc. These are specially made for newborns to ensure they are the right size.

An expert newborn photographer will also utilize weighted bags to ensure the props are just right for your baby’s weight and size. Bottom line, work with an expert. They have what they need. You should only need to show up.

What are good Newborn photo poses?

Every newborn is different. You’ve heard it a million times every pregnancy is different and if you’ve had more than one you totally understand what that means.

An expert in newborn photography will work with the baby, NEVER forcing a pose.

The baby will naturally want to move a specific way. An expert understands that and will safely pose a newborn in a way that’s natural to them.

What is the newborn froggy pose?

Ok so let’s take a moment to talk about the froggy pose.

It is the one that the baby’s resting their head on their hands.

Have you ever seen a baby do that? Nope, it’s because they literally are not capable of holding up their own head yet. So that pose can be done safely through what’s called a composite.

That means the newborn photographer takes a picture of the baby with their hand on the top of the head holding it up and with the hand on the bottom of the head holding it up and then photoshops the two together.

Here’s the million-dollar question, did you know that? If not, trust an expert because a photographer who’s not fully trained might think they can just take that pose and that’s not safe for the baby.

Here are a few quick references for a beginner pose verses an expert pose.

Now that’s not to say that an expert doesn’t do a beginner pose, it just means that you won’t get an expert pose from a beginner.

Is it easier to take newborn photos at home or at a photo studio?

We get this question a lot because expecting moms always think it will be so much easier to just have it done at their home.

But if you’ve ever been with a mom who’s literally only home from the hospital for a few days you’d know. Home will look like a war zone.

Things will literally be everywhere.  So, the thought of having to clean your home is honestly bananas to us.

Here’s why newborn photos should always be done in a studio?

Here are some additional important factors that an in-studio session provides.

The studio is temperature controlled, especially hot for a newborn who’s teeny tiny and changing wraps.

The studio’s light is controlled to make you (and your newborn, of course) look amazing.

All exterior distractions are gone.

You aren’t thinking about the laundry, the dishes, who just called, the dog barking, or what Amazon just dropped off.

With a studio session, all you have to do is get yourself dressed, no small feat, and get to the studio. Then there is an expert newborn photographer that takes care of everything else!

Oftentimes, at home and lifestyle newborns are synonymous. What this means is that the photographer won’t pose the baby. You will hold the baby the entire time.

So, if that’s your jam, this might be a good fit for you. Just remember, you have to clean and have super cool décor to pull this off.

What is the best time to take newborn photos?

10am. I honestly don’t know why but it’s the magical hour for newborns. They are sleepiest at 10am! And as an added bonus it gives you time to get up and shower (a total luxury) before your session!

Should mothers/fathers be in newborn photos?

Unequivocally yes mom, dad, and siblings should get in the photo.

We know you might not feel your best. Heck, you might not even be cleared to drive yet. But you will never regret having those memories. And you can’t get them back. Don’t regret it. Get in the picture.

Again, this is why you go to a newborn photography expert. They know all the perfect angles and posing to make sure you look amazing, even if you are not feeling the best. These images really highlight your connection with your partner and your newborn!

What are the best outfits for new moms to wear to their newborn photo shoot?

Your body just grew a human and most of us don’t bounce back in a day. So, don’t try.

Honestly, don’t try to get back into your pre-maternity jeans. Just don’t. Wear your maternity jeans, they will look amazing because you will simply be glowing.

And since you are going to an expert, they will know all the most amazing angles for a new mom. For example, one of our favorite poses is mom draped around dad or a close crop of you snuggling your new love.

Don’t wear black, it isn’t slimming. Did I just totally blow your mind?

It’s true, unless you have a lot of very black hair, don’t wear black it will look harsh. Wear thick fabrics with structure and think about lots of texture. We also recommend soft neutral colors; it lets your baby be the star.

How long should a newborn photoshoot take?

Simple answer less than 2 hours.

The first hour should be images of just your baby

This is when the energy is low and it’s nice and calm.

They’ll be sleepy and sleep most of the session. When working with a professional newborn photographer they will have a specific workflow.

This allows them to wrap the baby nice and tight, which reminds the baby of being in the womb. Then they’ll slowly unwrap the baby for additional poses. This ensures the experience isn’t jarring for the newborn.

Think of it like this; do you like to be woken up to someone ripping the covers off of you. Um, no. Neither does a newborn!

The second hour should be for the family.

This is when older siblings should be invited and we all know what happens when a toddler is involved, in literally anything.

So, when the energy is high, the newborn is in your (or your partner’s) arms which means they are snuggled in and very content to go back to sleep no matter how loud the toddler is!

Should I reschedule my newborn photo shoot if my baby is fussy?

Don’t put off your newborn photos because your baby is fussy!

We are trained professionals and will know the best ways to sooth a cranky baby.

We are also trained in newborn massage which can help with relaxing your newborn baby.

99% of the time if the baby is well-fed, warm, and swaddled they feel comfortable so there is nothing to worry about! We will capture amazing images for you, that’s why you chose a professional!

Final Thoughts

There is so much to think about when you are expecting a newborn.

Everyone has an opinion (and oh so willing to share)! Choosing how you are going to remember them is a really big decision. So, let me boil it down – choose an expert, love their look and book before you deliver!

The Best Time to Take Newborn Photos

Wondering when is the best time to take newborn photos? Get tips for when to take newborn photos, how to prepare for the photoshoot, and how to use those gorgeous photos to create a custom birth announcement!

This post is sponsored by Basic Invite. All opinions are my own.

Those early newborn days when my daughter was born are such a fog to me now. But I’ll never forget the day we took her newborn photos. She was 10 days old and I was struggling to breastfeed and recover from my C-section.

Putting on makeup and real pants for our newborn photos was the last thing I wanted to do, I had booked a newborn photographer as part of my pregnancy preparation and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!

It’s almost four years later and those newborn photos are some of my favorite photos we have. Her sweet tiny toes and smooth, velvety skin takes me back to those newborn days that are such a distant memory in my mind.

We have several of the photos hung up in our home and were able to use them for our newborn announcement we sent out. And of course, I used that same birth announcement to make her first Christmas ornament.

Whether you’ve already booked your newborn photographer or need to research and find one ASAP, today I’ve partnered with Basic Invite to share my best tips and tricks for getting those precious newborn photos and then creating the perfect birth announcement for your baby!

When to Take Newborn Photos?

Most photographers advise you to get your newborn photos taken 5 to 14 days after your baby is born. It can be easier to pose your baby when they are in that sleepy newborn state in the first two weeks.

It’s also early enough so your baby doesn’t have any baby acne just yet!

When we did our newborn photos, our 10-day old daughter was easily nursed to sleep and then we would move her into the cutest little baby poses. She slept through a big part of the photoshoot as the photographer clicked away capturing her innocence.

That being said, babies are still very sleepy for the first 6 weeks of life, so if you missed your window, it’s not too late! If you can’t get in with a photographer soon enough, you can always try your own DIY newborn photography at home.

How Do I Prepare for My Newborn Photos?

Once you have your newborn photography session booked, check in with your photographer about what kind of props and accessories they already have.

Put together three to four different outfit ideas that you can use for your baby. And when I say outfit, I mean very basic pieces. Think swaddles, headbands, and sentimental items.

Your newborn doesn’t need a full on shirt, pants, and shoes. A sweet headband and swaddle is enough to capture their delicate baby skin and face!

Keep in mind that the photoshoot may take between 1 to 2 hours. We had to take several breaks to feed my daughter. I also wanted a few different outfit changes and props so it took time to change her and then get her back to sleep.

Our photographer was so patient and managed to capture the most angelic photos of our girl! I mean, look at her!

What’s the Best Time of Day to Take Newborn Photos?

Check with your photographer on when they recommend getting newborn photos taken. Some families choose for the photographer to come into their home and take photos in the nursery or the master bedroom.

You’ll want to asses when you get good sunlight in those areas of your home and go from there.

We chose to go to our photographer’s studio and have the photos taken there. I wanted to use all of her props like buckets and backdrops because I think those are just the cutest! Instead of feeling like I needed to clean and stage my home, I felt it was easier for us to go to her.

Your photographer will know when the light will come into their studio the best, but I imagine early to mid-morning will work for most photos.

You can get additional tips in my newborn family photos post, including how to include older siblings in the photoshoot.

Creating Custom Birth Announcements

After you get your newborn photos back from your photographer it’s time to make custom birth announcements to send to friends and family! If your baby was born near the holidays you can also turn it into a Christmas card birth announcement!

Basic Invite has unlimited color options so you can customize your birth announcement to match your style. I love that you can personalize each and every element to make it exactly what you want!

You can also order a printed sample of your invitation or birth announcement so you get a physical copy before placing your final order. That way you can feel the paper in your hands and see the print quality before placing a big order.

I always get a little nervous when ordering printed anything online. What if the colors don’t look right? What if the paper isn’t the quality I was expecting? With Basic Invite I can see and feel the actual sample before proceeding with my big order, which I really appreciate!

I have to admit that I’ve skipped out on ordering our family Christmas cards the last year or so and the main reason is because I don’t want to handwrite and lick 100+ cards! The idea just seems so overwhelming and exhausting to me. (And really gross, frankly).

So I love that Basic Invite has an address capturing service. You can post a link on your social media channel asking for your friend’s and family’s addresses.

That information is then stored in your account and can be automatically added to your envelopes, saving you hours of hand addressing envelopes. The best part is—it doesn’t cost anything extra!

All of their envelopes are also peel and seal so no licking is required! I have to say that I think that might be my favorite feature ever!

In addition to newborn birth announcements, they also offer:

  • Baby Shower Invitations
  • First Birthday Invitations
  • Baby Shower Thank You Cards
  • Twin Birth Announcements
  • Printable Baby Shower Games
  • And More!

Right now, Basic Invite is offering 15% off birth announcements with the coupon code: 15FF51.  I hope this helps you prepare for your newborn photoshoot and making those sweet baby birth announcements! Congratulations on your new little bundle!

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Amy Motroni

I'm Amy and I'm so glad you've stopped by! As a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, my goal is to walk you through the process of getting your baby to sleep, so your whole family gets the rest they need!

My blog is full of things to help you celebrate motherhood including baby nursery ideas, sleep schedules and sleep tips, fun printables, baby registry must-haves, and so much more.

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Photography of newborns: what is important to know

Touching photos of babies sleeping sweetly on a pillow, in a basket or in the arms of loving parents, so tender and touching that they do not leave anyone indifferent ... In the West, photography of newborn babies is in first place in popularity after photo shoots of pregnant women. A newborn photo session is done in the first 5-10 days of a child's life, and this is more of a good tradition than a luxury...

Newborn photo session in Kyiv is just gaining momentum. Many parents are wary of the photo shoot of newborn babies. It seems that you want beautiful photographs of your baby, and at the same time there are a lot of all sorts of fears, questions and doubts ... and someone simply doesn’t have enough time for worries and troubles ... And many parents, alas, miss this magical period in their baby’s life …

But the FIRST DAYS of your beloved baby are so fleeting, and photography of newborns is so unusual that it will be impossible to repeat it even in a month and a half! Therefore, for those who want to keep a unique memory of the very first days of their little angel's life in their family album, in this article I will try to answer the most important and most worrying questions about the photo session of newborn babies.

WHEN is the best time to photograph newborns?

The best time for a newborn photoshoot is the first 6-10 days of a baby's life . At this age, babies sleep soundly and sweetly, and fit well into different poses, similar to those in which they were in their mother's tummy. The most touching "sleeping" photographs are obtained during this period.

After the 2nd week, a newborn photo session can become much more problematic and tiring for both parents and the baby himself. At this time, babies are already sleeping more sensitively, waking up easily, moving more and being more capricious. The nervous system of the crumbs is quickly "overloaded" from an excess of new impressions, and children can become irritated from fatigue.

In addition, after 12-14 days, most newborns begin to have intestinal colic, in connection with which the babies become more restless, they may suddenly start acting up and crying for no apparent reason.

Therefore, parents who decide to take a photo of a baby 2 weeks or more after birth should understand that such a photo shoot can be significantly delayed in time (4-5 hours), the number of successful photos and touching poses will be much less . ... Yes, and getting pictures of a serenely snoring baby will be MUCH DIFFICULT ... So I advise you not to delay shooting!

Finding a good baby photographer is a time-consuming task. At the request “newborn photographer, Kyiv”, Google will give you a lot of options, from which you will need to find that one YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER who will please both the process and the result ... And for this you need to “flip through” a dozen or two sites of different photographers, get acquainted with their work and prices, read reviews and even personally talk on the phone ... All this takes a lot of time.

That's why it's better to choose a newborn photographer even when you're pregnant. After all, with the birth of a baby, you will completely plunge into the care of your little treasure, and, believe me, you will not be at all up to looking for a photographer.

When choosing a newborn photographer, focus primarily on their portfolio of babies. If you like the photos of newborn babies presented on the site, feel free to call and order a shooting. You can also hold a pregnant photo session first, and then (if you liked the photographer's style of work and the result) - order a photo session of a newborn baby from him.


Since photo shoots of newborn babies are best done as early as possible (up to 10-12 days), it is advisable to agree on shooting shortly before birth (the exact date and time can be corrected later), or sign up for a photo session baby's first birthday.

Newborn photography room

You don't need to go anywhere to take pictures of your newborn baby! We'll take it straight at your home ! All we need is a couple of meters of free space (preferably near a window so that there is more natural light). It is very good if there is a sofa or a bed near the window.

The most important thing is to take care of the room temperature that is comfortable for the baby! Do not forget that newborn babies get cold in the first days of life (after all, in their mother's tummy they are used to a temperature of + 36.6 ° C). Therefore, the room in which the photo session will take place should be very warm ( +28+30 degrees ). Then the baby will be warm and comfortable - and he will sleep soundly, sweetly. Yes, these are our kids are thermophilic creatures !

Where can I get beautiful CLOTHING and PROPERS for a newborn photo session?

When ordering a newborn photo shoot with us, you don't have to worry about it at all. Everything you need to take beautiful newborn photos of your baby, we will bring with us. We have a lot of different cute handmade hats, headbands and sets, blankets, baskets and bedspreads, matching in texture and color. All this is at your disposal during the shooting.

The baby mode has not been developed yet, how to guess the shooting time?

Newborn babies really do not yet have a clear regimen. But for the photographer, this is not a problem. As a rule, I come to your house at 10-11 am and spend as much time with your family as it takes to take beautiful photos of the newborn baby. If during the photo shoot you need to feed the baby, lull or carry out some hygiene procedures, we will, of course, take a break. After all, we are parents ourselves, and we understand perfectly well that each child is individual, and everyone needs different times for sleep, food and wakefulness. Be sure that the newborn photo shoot will be held in a calm, unhurried mode, as comfortable as possible for your baby.

How to prepare for the arrival of a photographer? When to feed the baby?

To make your baby's sleep better by the time the photographer arrives, and the newborn's photo session is easy, use some simple tricks:

  • Warm room. Very tiny children are very fond of heat, so heat the room up to +28 +30 degrees.
  • "Chat" with the baby. If a couple of hours before the scheduled time of the photo session you manage to “keep up” a little with your child – great! Then it is more likely that by our arrival the baby will fall asleep soundly, and we will be able to lay him out in various cute poses. But, of course, you don’t need to specifically torment the child and prevent him from falling asleep until the photographer arrives, stick to the usual comfortable rhythm of your baby’s life.
  • A well-fed child is the key to a successful photo session! Before you lull the baby, feed him. Sleep is always better on a full stomach. And so that he is not tormented by colic, belching and hiccups - after eating for 10 minutes, walk with the baby “column” ( i.e. hold him in a vertical position) so that gasses come out of the intestines and the air that the baby swallowed while eating.
  • Keep a diet. If the baby is breastfed, then a few days before the newborn photo shoot, it is undesirable for the mother to eat invigorating drinks (strong tea, coffee, etc.), as well as foods that can cause rashes, allergies, colic and stomach pain in the baby. After all, if something bothers the baby, it means that he will be capricious and very bad, sleep soundly.

RELATIVES. How many relatives can be present at the newborn photo shoot?

Photographing a newborn is a very exciting and touching process... During the photo session of newborn babies, we try to achieve an atmosphere of intimacy, tenderness and, I would even say, some sacrament. And in the presence of grandfathers, grandmothers and other relatives, this, alas, will not work out in any way. Everyone will try to give some advice and tips, and their desire to help will only distract and interfere with the photographer, as well as embarrass you, pointing out your inexperience. Therefore, let's leave all the relatives for other (family) photo shoots. A at the photo session of a newborn baby, let only the closest people to him be present - these are loving parents and brothers or sisters.


Everything here is very individual and depends on the mood and well-being of the baby. A newborn photo session lasts an average of 2-3 hours, but sometimes it can be delayed for 4-5 hours. If you need to take a break to feed the baby, change clothes or lull, of course, we will stop shooting and wait as long as necessary. As a rule, photography is faster with babies under the age of 10 days - they are not bothered by the tummy, and they sleep almost all the time. For babies, after 10-12 days, the photo session may take a little longer ... But again, everything is very individual ... We focus on the baby.

See you at the photo session of your newborn baby!

Your photographer in Kyiv,

Denis Yarkovy.

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The article is the property of Denis Yarkovy.

Full or partial copying of materials without an active indexed link to the site www.denfoto.net is prohibited.

When is the best time to photograph a child

In the first year of their lives, babies grow rapidly and change rapidly. You can have a photo session for them at least every month, but I recommend doing this at least 3-4 times up to a year. Photo sessions can be timed to coincide with some holiday, for example, the New Year or just a season, for example, in a bright golden autumn or sunny green May. But the main thing is to take into account the age and skills of the child.

The first photo session for a baby, not counting the discharge from the maternity hospital, can safely be called the photography of a NEWBORN. Passes in 5 - 15 day of the baby! Shooting children at this age is by no means due to the whim of the photographer, but to the fact that at this age several factors are ideally combined:
1. The muscle tone of the newborn is still working on compression, and the body easily assumes those positions in which the baby was in the mother's tummy. At the 3rd week, muscle tone begins to work to open the muscles and it becomes more difficult for the baby to take certain poses.

2. Newborns sleep soundly, and do not disturb the tummy, as it happens later.
3. The proportions of the body are such that newborns look harmonious in the photo. In older babies, the body is already stretched, it becomes larger and the newborn poses will no longer fit, the angles for shooting will change.

It is advisable to sign up for this type of shooting in advance, inform the deadline while still in the hospital. Just think about it: a person has only 5-7 days in his entire life when you can take this type of photography! Get unique shots! Otherwise, the lost will not be returned!



The next age is 3-4 months. But! We focus not on the age of the child, but on the acquired skills.
The baby needs to confidently keep his head lying on his tummy. Some know how to do this already at 2 months, while others - at 4. But this will be required for a variety of shots and an interesting shooting result.
I plan less time for photographing such babies than for newborn, but more than for older children - 1.5-2 hours. At this age, the baby may even have time to sleep during the shooting, and I will try to use this as well.
The peculiarity of 3 months of age is that photography is partly reminiscent of Newborn shooting, because. the baby is still small and I put it in a badeechka (basket). But at the same time, get interesting portraits "like an adult".))
4-5 month old babies lying on their backs, trying to grab their legs.



When the baby begins to sit confidently (this time comes for some at 6 months, and for someone at 8-9), maybe crawling, but not yet walking, I definitely recommend having a photo shoot! At this age, a lot of interesting shots are obtained, parents with a photographer are not so tiring, because.

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