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Ideas for family pics

21 Family Portrait Ideas for Gorgeous Photos

Preparation is key to any successful photoshoot, and having plenty of family portrait ideas will help ensure your session goes as smoothly as possible.

Whether you’re working with friends, repeat clients, or new customers, you want to make your family portrait sessions fun and engaging, because this will always lead to better pictures.

So if you’re stuck in a rut or just looking for something new to try, check out these 21 ideas. They’ll stimulate your creativity and get you thinking about fun ways to take pictures of families.

Let’s get started.

1. Standing together

This one won’t win any awards for creativity, but it’s a classic. It just works.

Position everyone close together, with those on the outside turned slightly inward. Kids can stand on the ground or be held by an adult.

I always like to start with shots like this to cover my bases before I try new and creative ideas. That way, you can always deliver a classic posed image your clients will love, in case your other ideas don’t quite work out.

2. Look for interesting backgrounds

While the focus of your family photos should always be the people, it can help to use different locations – especially if you find yourself working with repeat clients.

Introducing new background elements or other scenery can dramatically alter the look and feel of an image, and will give your clients pictures they will remember forever.

3. Group hug!

Family portraits should be a celebration of love and togetherness.

So find ways to use that in your images!

Get the kids to snuggle up with the parents so everyone’s near each other.

Let the family, and others who see the photos, remember the love that can barely be contained in a single image.

Nikon D750 | Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 | 200mm | 1/350s | f/4 | ISO 800


Go for a walk

Tell everyone to stand back, get in a line, and slowly walk toward you.

Here’s an example:

Nikon D7100 | Nikon 85mm f/1.8 | 1/500s | f/2.8 |ISO 200

This type of shot is a classic for a couple of reasons. For one, families love it. Plus, it’s the type of photo you can’t get with a mobile phone.

I recommend using a zoom lens, because you can zoom from telephoto to wide as the group gets closer.

It also helps to have a camera with a fast continuous shooting speed and a deep buffer, so you can take as many shots as you need to nail the perfect one.

5. Go for a run!

This one works great if you have children involved. Just tell everyone to back way up and then run toward the camera.

(Kids love doing this type of shot!)

Nikon D750 | Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 | 135mm | 1/200s | f/4 | ISO 360

Make sure everyone is holding hands; otherwise, the speedier ones will end up ahead.

Also, quick tip:

Use your camera’s high-speed shooting functionality combined with a fast shutter speed to freeze the action.

6. Showcase the generations

When doing a multigenerational family portrait session, it’s a good idea to get at least one shot showing the eldest couple plus the family.

Put the eldest couple in the middle and surround them with their children, grandchildren, and other relatives. This creates a sense of closeness and family bonding that’s immediately apparent to anyone who looks at the photo afterward.

Nikon D750 | Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 | 130mm | 1/180s | f/4 | ISO 280

7. Headshots of each person

This might seem like cheating because a single headshot isn’t the same as a family portrait.

But I love taking headshots for my family clients since they require almost no extra effort on my part and the families always enjoy the results.

(I’ve found that most people aren’t expecting individual headshots when you do a family portrait session. So they’re seen as a fun bonus and will keep clients calling for repeat business. )

Nikon D750 | Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 | 200mm | 1/250s | f/2.8 | ISO 360

7. Use backlighting

It’s always important to look for the light any time you’re taking photos, and it’s especially true for family portraits.

Normally I like the light to be behind me, but it’s fun to play around with backlighting and see how it can dramatically alter your images.

In this example, the fountain behind the couple adds a brilliant shine to the shot, thanks to the power of backlighting:

Nikon D7100 | Nikon 85mm f/1.8 | 1/2000s | f/2.4 | ISO 100

The sun also adds a nice rim light to the newly engaged couple. See how they shine in the late afternoon sun?

The couple was thrilled with the result, and your clients will be, too.

8. Group the genders

Grouping the genders isn’t exactly new or groundbreaking. But it’s a tried-and-true formula for success – one that your clients might not think about in advance but will greatly appreciate afterward.

So put all the women together and take some shots, then do the same for the men.

My clients always have fun doing this, and it gives them some great photos to hang on their wall.

Nikon D750 | Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 | 175mm | 1/180s | f/4 | ISO 220

9. Show playfulness

Kids love to laugh, play, and run around.

So why not embrace that during a photoshoot?

Ditch the poses for a minute and let your clients just have fun. This works especially well with young kids; parents will pick them up, swing them around, and have a great time just enjoying the day.

But have your camera ready to capture those moments!

Nikon D750 | Nikon 85mm f/1.8 | 1/200s | f/1.8 | ISO 400

10. Build photo benches

I did many family photo sessions that left me frustrated. You see, I didn’t have a great solution for a very basic problem:

I didn’t have a spot for people to sit.

If you’re in a controlled studio environment, you can deal with this easily. If you like to shoot out in nature, however, you might not be so lucky.

Thankfully, with a few cheap pieces of wood from any home improvement store, along with some tools and a free afternoon, you can build your own photo benches (and solve this problem once and for all!).

I now have three benches in different sizes that I use to accommodate a variety of families. They can be used separately or placed together as one long bench. It doesn’t even matter if they get scuffed or dirty, since imperfections add to a sense of character.

And the results are amazing, plus I no longer worry about finding a spot for my clients to sit comfortably.

Nikon D750 | Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 | 200mm | 1/250s | f/4 | ISO 640

11. Just the kids

Amidst the joy and chaos of a family photoshoot, it’s easy to overlook this classic pose – but it’s one that you’ll regret leaving out.

Parents love shots with their kids together, and even when not all the kids are happy and cheerful, I still get positive comments. Pictures like this show the unique personalities of each child, and I usually get one or two kids smirking, grinning, or doing their own thing, to which their parents say, “Yup, that’s just who they are!”

This old coffee table was what I used before I built my own photo benches.
Nikon D750 | Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 | 200mm | 1/200s | f/4 | ISO 250.

12. Involve the pets

Bringing pets to a photoshoot can be a mixed bag. When you introduce a four-legged friend to a formal family photo session, you add a lot of uncertainty, and it’s almost impossible to make the animal do what you want it to.

Even so, there’s a host of important benefits: It puts your clients at ease, helps them remember their pets fondly, and can make for some genuine smiles.

I find this works best if you do your photo session at your clients’ house. But if you do go out, make sure the clients bring a portable kennel or some treats to keep the furry friend occupied when it’s not in the shot.

Nikon D750 | Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 | 200mm | 1/250s | f/4 | ISO 100

13. Use structures

I like going out around town to do family photo sessions (preferably to a handful of places I have scouted in advance and used many times before).

The nice thing about some of these spots is that they have built-in structures and other accoutrements that allow you to take fun, sometimes unplanned, pictures of your clients.

So don’t be afraid to include these! Embrace the structures around you and use them to add flair to your photos.

Nikon D750 | Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 | 200mm | 1/180s | f/4 | ISO 280

14. Show affection

This one is a little tricky, but the results can be absolutely heartwarming.

Just be careful how you talk with your clients and direct them during the shoot. You don’t want signs of affection to be forced or uncomfortable, and unless you are good friends with your clients, you might not know where to draw the line.

That being said, I’ve had nothing but positive results just by asking parents to give a quick hug or kiss to their little children. These simple signs of affection often end up being my clients’ favorite shots.

Nikon D750 | Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 | 200mm | 1/500s | f/4 | ISO 2200

15. Read a book

Any time you do a family photo session with kids, particularly younger ones, you have to be willing to accept a degree of uncertainty.

After all, the kids might be hungry, fussy, or defiant – and it’s your job to make the best images possible in spite of these obstacles.

I don’t recommend handing out sweets or treats to children, as this can introduce even more unwanted uncertainty. But if you want to get the kids to cooperate, ask your clients to bring along some of their child’s favorite books. This helps them relax and can lead to some very special pictures.

16. Use their home

I do almost all of my work for clients outdoors. But sometimes I’m invited inside their homes, and this can make for some very special sessions.

If you schedule a shoot at your clients’ house, ask if you can arrive early. Assuming you get the go-ahead, come before the session and politely look for good spots to take pictures. Look for furniture, toys, and large windows that will let in plenty of light.

Ideally, you want to schedule a pre-consultation with your clients to discuss the session. Treat these at-home opportunities with the respect and dignity your clients deserve, and they will be glad to ask you for future photo sessions.

Nikon D750 | Nikon 35mm f/1.8 | 1/90s | f/4 | ISO 5600

17. Show context

I sometimes get asked to photograph singular events in my clients’ lives: birthdays, graduations, and other milestones.

And while you can always use these opportunities to capture the same types of portraits you would normally shoot, what really matters is context.

So find ways of incorporating visual elements from the event into your photos, as I did in this image:

Nikon D750 | Nikon 70-200mm f/2. 8 | 70mm | 1/4000s | f/4 | ISO 560

My friend asked if I would take pictures when he received his Ph.D., and I made sure to include campus buildings in the frame to serve as a reminder of his time in graduate school.

18. Capture candids

Sometimes the best shots of a photo session are completely unplanned. While posed pictures are nice, it’s also fun to get pictures of your clients just walking around, laughing, talking, and enjoying one another’s company.

In other words:

When photographing a family, show them being a family!

And it’s okay to cheat a bit here, too. For the shot below, I asked the couple to walk across the veranda, then I caught them in a candid moment of joy.

Fuji X100F | 23mm | 1/125s | f/5.6 | ISO 400

19. All hands on deck

When taking pictures of a large family, especially one that spans multiple generations, make sure to get an image with hands.

Clients love seeing mementos like this, and they can instantly pick out which individuals were present just by looking at the hands.

Plus, an image like the one below captures myriad details that are missing in headshots and full-body portraits: wedding rings, the weathered hands of the grandparents, and the small hands of children next to their mother’s and father’s hands. It’s a touching image that speaks volumes about the family without showing any faces at all.

Nikon D750 | Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 | 86mm | 1/500s | f/4 | ISO 280

20. Use their ideas

Any time I do a family session, I make sure I’m well prepared. I have a clear idea of my goals for the session, where I want to be, what kinds of images I want to get, and of course, plenty of spare batteries.

But you have to be willing to adapt and incorporate your clients’ ideas, too. They might want to try something different, go to a new location, or pose in a way you hadn’t considered.

Don’t shut these ideas down! Even if the images aren’t your personal favorites, your clients might love them, and they will certainly appreciate your willingness to listen to their suggestions.

Nikon D750 | Nikon 50mm f/1.8 | 1/4000s | f/1.8 | ISO 100

21. Use a silly noise-maker

This idea is last because you have to use it carefully. If you know your clients well, and if there are young children in the family, then one fun thing to consider is a remote-controlled fart machine.

Yes, I know that seems absolutely ridiculous, but nothing sends kids into a gleeful bout of giddiness quite like an unexpected breaking of wind.

These little gadgets are inexpensive and can be hidden underneath a bench, taped to a stool, or tossed behind a tree. Right as you prepare to take a shot, click the remote and watch the kids erupt with laughter.

Adults might roll their eyes, but the kids will love it, and you’ll get some of your favorite shots of the session.

If you want to get genuine smiles and laughs from kids, this can definitely help. But don’t use it with new clients. Make sure you have a good relationship with clients and their kids first.

Family portrait ideas: Final words

There’s no guarantee that these family portrait ideas will result in perfect pictures. Any number of things can go wrong on a family shoot, but any number of things can also go right.

The point here is to fill your mind with possibilities. That way, you can do everything in your power to get the best possible shots.

And above all else, try to relax, have fun, and enjoy the session!

Your clients will love the results…

…and they’ll soon be asking you to come back for more pictures.

Frequently asked questions

What should my clients wear for a family session?

I recommend solid colors in matching groups (such as some people wearing blue, others wearing green, etc.). But remember that the photos are for your clients, and even if they show up in clothing you wouldn’t recommend, your job is to take good photos regardless.

Do I need a tripod for family photos?

Absolutely not! You can use one if you prefer, but I find that tripods and even monopods are more of a hassle than a help. You need to move around, especially if you’re shooting pictures of kids – and if you are tied down to a tripod, you won’t be nearly as flexible and adaptable.

You do a lot of outdoor family photos. What’s the best type of location to look for?

I try to avoid popular spots like botanical gardens and college campuses (which often have beautiful landscaping) and look for spots that are off the beaten path. My primary consideration is light: I like spots with tall trees and even lighting, even if there aren’t flowers or fountains. Choose your locations so the emphasis in your images will be on the people, not their surroundings.

What camera is best for family portraits?

You can use almost any camera for family photos, but I recommend one with a large buffer and the option for a battery grip. The former will prevent you from wasting time waiting for your camera while photo opportunities slip by. The latter will give your camera enough battery power to last for hours, which means one less thing for you to think about during the shoot.

Do I need an expensive portrait lens?

No, but if the only lens you have is the kit lens that came with your camera, I would recommend at least investing in a single prime lens. A 35mm or 50mm lens won’t be expensive and can yield amazing results, especially for family photos.

22 Creative Family Photo Ideas

Family photos are a great way to keep memories alive. Kids grow up so quickly, and family portraits are a way of capturing the sweet moments with your family through the years. Whether you keep the photos in a series of photobooks or turn them into wall art pieces, having family portraits for keepsakes is a beautiful way to document your family’s journey.

Table of Contents

  • List of Creative Family Picture Ideas
    • Outdoor Family Photo Ideas
    • Indoor Family Photo Ideas
    • Ideas for Props
    • Ideas for Family Photo Poses
    • A couple more tips to make it even more special…

We have a bunch of family photo ideas to help you create beautiful and fun family portraits, including ideas for locations, props, and poses.

Outdoor Family Photo Ideas

If you live near a beautiful park or building, make the most of it! It’s always much more fun to have the family photoshoot ideas outdoors, and the results won’t be disappointing!

Play with water

Photo credit: Clicks to Remember

The secret to making your kids smile and let loose is letting them play with water during the summer season! This will guarantee that your photographer will have plenty of opportunities to capture their smiles and twinkling eyes.

In this manner, you can capture 4 – 5 different poses of the kids and create the best photo printing to get your photos printed and delivered at home.

Take a walk around the park

Photo credit: Ankit Chawla Photography

Turn the mundane activity of walking around the park into a photo opportunity. Coordinate with your photographer to have a session during the golden hour in your favorite park during the fall season, and you’ll be surprised by how simple things can turn out to be so stunning.

Find a building with an interesting architecture

Photo credit: Gilmore Studios

Do you have a place in your country, which will serve as an impressive background for your family portraits? Do an outing as a family for this portrait session, and get a memorable experience as well as stunning images!

Use a bright wall as a background

Photo credit: Kari Bruck Photography

This is the easiest trick for any portrait; if you want a cheerful vibe, find a bright shiny wall in your area and do a photo session there. It’s super easy and the result won’t disappoint you!

The city is your playground

Photo credit: Katie Rain Photography

Take your family and photographer for a walk to the city’s most famous landmark to have a memorable session. The photos will be a great reminder of the town that your kids grew up in. This will be a cool idea in an open area.

Read: Practical Family Photography Tips for a Fun Photoshoot

Indoor Family Photo Ideas

While outdoor photoshoots will guarantee the kids to let loose and have fun, that is not to say that you shouldn’t do it indoors. Having the family photo session at home allows you and your family to feel more relaxed, and you’ll have the chance to have the family’s daily moments and routines captured beautifully.

But how to do the portraits naturally while still making it special? You can try some of these simple ideas.

Set up an indoor game

Photo credit: Priya Goswami

Bring out your board games, UNO stacks, or toys that the kids usually play with. Choose a room with big windows to allow as much natural light as possible and get in fun family pic ideas.

Pose on the bed

Photo credit: Priya Goswami

This is the trick to keep everyone relaxed to get natural shots. You can sit and read a storybook, lie on your front and line up, lie on your back and let the photographer get a bird’s-eye view shots.

There are many angles that can be taken from this spot and your photographer will help direct you. This will include in the list of family picture ideas with baby. These images will be useful to create personalized photo cards for your parent’s occasion in future.

Chat on the sofa

Photo credit: Vanessa Carvalho

Sit on the sofa and just have a chat like you usually do. There’s something heartwarming in catching the sense of normality and daily moments in your family portraits.

Stand up next to a window

Photo credit: Tarah Photography

This might sound a bit boring and ordinary, but if you’re looking for natural family portraits with soft natural light, this is the place to be. Choose a big window in your house with lots of light coming in, preferably with a plain wall for the background. Simple, yet elegant and effortlessly beautiful.

Pose in the kitchen

Photo credit: Vanessa Carvalho

If your kitchen is light and airy, why not doing the shoot there? You can let the kids sit on the counter just this once…

Use the front door for background

Photo credit: Pinke Toes Photography

Finding a good spot is often a challenge for photo sessions at home. Use any unique feature in the house for your photoshoot, including the front door!

Do what you usually do… anywhere

Photo credit: M. K. Sadler via Once Wed

The best thing about having the photoshoot at home is you can let the photographers capture your daily routine, in a place that means a lot to your family. Let them capture those little moments, and you’ll get heartwarming family photos that you’ll cherish for a lifetime.

Of course, indoor location is not limited to your home only. The local cafes, libraries, or museums are some of the good options. This list of indoor locations for family portraits will give you a bunch of ideas.

Ideas for Props

When there’s nothing special about the location, you can still make it unique by using props for your family photos. Some photographers might even have props ready to use for photoshoots, so don’t hesitate to ask!

Here are a few ideas of the props you can use for your family portraits.

A teepee

Photo credit: Sloane Photographers via Gold Feathers

Using a teepee as a prop will definitely turn the images from nothing to something. If you take photos in your plain backyard, for example, a teepee would instantly transform the look and add a boho and fun vibe to your family portraits.

A wagon

Photo credit: Kaleidoscope Imagery

A wooden wagon makes for a cute prop for family photos. Your kid(s) will have tons of fun during the photo shoot, while you’ll get beautiful family portraits with natural smiles and glee written across the faces of the whole family.

Colorful balloons

Photo credit: Becca Bond Photography

Nothing makes kids happier than balloons. Use these if you want colorful family photos and happy grins. Alternatively, you can use colorful plastic balls to get a similar look.

A chalkboard

Have fun with doodles and writing on a chalkboard to tell the stories of your family! You can also consider using that as a background if it’s big enough. When you’re shooting indoors with limited space, a chalkboard can help to make it fun and extraordinary.

Read: Easy Photo Wall Ideas to Spruce Up Your Home

Ideas for Family Photo Poses

Your photographer should be able to direct you to pose, but it doesn’t hurt to have a few ideas in mind yourself. These are some of the most popular and timeless poses.

Lift them up

Photo credit: Katie Rain Photography

Every parent does this, and this is a moment from everyday life that should be captured on camera.

Cuddle up

Photo credit: Sloane Photographers

Give a big group cuddle and let your photographer capture the giggles and fun!

Kiss fountain

Photo credit: Photo Rikiki

Sweet and heartwarming, this pose remains as one of the favorites. Dad kisses mom, mom kisses kid, kid kisses baby… Make sure you include this in your family picture ideas list.

Swing them

Photo credit: Sloane Photographers

Kids love this, and it also makes for great photos!

A couple more tips to make it even more special…

Wear matching clothes

Photo credit: Niddledy Noddledy

This idea is not something new, but it’s still worth mentioning nonetheless! You can go from something simple like matching white tops or flannel shirts or go the more daring route by wearing something bold like movie character or superhero costumes.

Capture the imperfection

Photo credit: Danielle Guenther Photography

Parenthood isn’t always picture-perfect. In fact, it’s a part of everyday life! Capture these precious moments with your family, and get a photo session that captures your family in all the good and bad. Show the mess as well as the glamour!

Looking for more fun ideas? Take a look at these out of the box, creative family portrait ideas!

We hope these family photo ideas can inspire you for your next photo session! Make sure you keep the photos beautifully displayed, whether as decor to adorn your home, or in a beautiful family photobook as a keepsake.

Which one is your favorite? Leave your comments below!

Ideas for a family photo session. A collection of family photo ideas.

Family portrait is more than just a photograph, it is a real family treasure. Some people use family photos as interior decorating elements and create home comfort, others prefer to store family photos in a photo album on a shelf. Be that as it may, reviewing family albums is a favorite and very touching activity for many.

Fortunately, my family has a lot of good photos, because my mother loved to take pictures from her youth. Therefore, our childhood photographs are not only interesting to review in terms of history and emotional connection, they are also pleasant to look at. A good portion of my childhood photographs are taken with Zenith and Kodak film, with beautiful colors and depth of field. So when one of my new acquaintances stumbled upon my childhood photos, he was amazed at how professional these homemade photos look, in contrast to their albums shot on a film soap dish. nine0005

But there are even older photographs - black and white, yellowed, with curled corners. I don’t even know who all these people who are depicted on them and were once close to my parents, grandparents. But my favorite pastime was sorting through these old pictures and looking for familiar and at the same time unknown faces of very young mothers, fathers and other relatives. This is the value of the family album - in the transfer of memory between generations.

So print photos, create family albums and photo books! Think about the interest with which your children will be able to turn the pages. Printed photographs are much more alive and valuable than their digital counterparts.

Speaking about family portraits, I couldn't help touching on the topic of family photo shoots . I have a lot of respect for good family photographers who help people capture their family history in beautiful photographs. I know that many of my readers are interested in the field of children's and family photography. So I decided to put together a small collection of family photo shoot ideas . I hope some of these ideas will inspire you for some great new shoots!

The photographs below are for illustrative purposes only. All rights belong to the authors of the photos.

1. There are usually at least 3 people in a family. Arrange them compactly in frame . Ask to hug, stand closer to each other, at different levels (sitting, standing). A good idea in this case is to use steps, chairs, or the back of a sofa. Larger family members are placed further from the camera in half a turn, they can also be "covered" by more slender "models" or children. Ask your models to hug, partially hiding the fatter person over the shoulder of the other members of the family photo session. nine0005

2. Babies love to fly! If you are photographing a family with a small child, ask the parents to play with him, circle, toss him in the water. Fun, good mood, happy baby smile and cheerful photos are guaranteed.

3. Let the kids play pranks. You can come up with an idea for a shoot in which a naughty child will play the main plot role in advance. And ask your parents to play along with him. You can dress up babies in themed costumes, and very small babies can wear funny accessories that are clearly too big for them. nine0005

4. After a good fun, it would be nice to take a break - ask your models to lie on the floor, on the Luzya, on the Autumn Leaves or Autumn Leaves or Autumn Leaves straight into the snow.

5. Use special effects to diversify the family photo shoot: frames, mirrors and natural reflections. Don't forget about the well-known powerful picture-in-picture trick.

6. Ask to show love to each other

7. Use an unusual angle - upside down or bottom up everything looks much more interesting!

8. Turn on creative thinking!

Good creative inspiration to you!

Ideas for a family photo shoot with children in nature and in the studio (photo)


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Surprisingly, with the advent of a camera (or even several!) in every house, it was common beautiful family photos that practically disappeared from albums. Someone is taking pictures and he is usually not in the pictures. If general shots are taken, they are done in a hurry, turning out to be completely different from those “ceremonial” pictures of your ancestors, carefully stored in albums and capable of telling so much. The help of professional photographers in creating family photos is still indispensable. nine0005

Of course, the essence of a modern family photo session is not only that, like a hundred years ago, the head of the family sits down in an armchair, and the noble family lined up decorously around. Although taking vintage photographs as a basis and embodying them again, but already with you is a great idea. Each frame is no longer as technically complex and expensive as it used to be, so at a photo shoot, unlike your ancestors, you can roam and have fun, using different ideas and having a great time with the whole family. nine0005

So how do you make your photos look amazing and make everyone you know gasp when they see your family albums?

Idea 1. Show your love

The easiest way to create heartfelt and sincere stories is to show sincere emotions. A kiss symbolizes love, and here are some inspiring shots showing how unusual you can beat him in a photo. Note - nothing complicated!

Idea 2. The sun that illuminates and warms your life

It would seem that sun shots are quite common, but their endless variations allow each family to make their portrait unique.

Idea 3. Write and draw! Yourself, your last name, confessions to each other - anything!

Almost every family with children now has various boards or easels on which you can write with crayons or special markers. You can also use regular sheets of paper or colored cardboard. It's good to bring your children's drawings with you. Perfect for graffiti and inscriptions and funny drawings on walls, asphalt or sand. And it is possible to compose words from special letters available at home or in a photo studio for decoration. nine0005

Idea 4. "Line up"

The specificity of most family photos is that they contain people of different ages, parameters and builds - this must be beaten. Here are a few examples of how you can "line up":

Idea 5. Snack break

Low blood sugar provokes increased irritability and aggression. During the photo session, it is absolutely useless for the participants to look at each other like “wolves” from fatigue and hunger. In addition, nothing unites and liberates people like a joint meal. Chocolate or ice cream is a great way to calm the kids or a disgruntled husband. It is quite possible that the eating shots will be the most fun and natural. But stock up on wet wipes to dry your hands! nine0005

Idea 6. “Have eaten, now you can sleep…”

You have beds and sofas at home during an outdoor photo shoot, they are present in most studios, and in nature they can be replaced with a carpet. Lying together invites positive and relaxed shots that will forever fix your family as it is, and even a little better ...

Idea 7. Dedicate a photo session to spending time together , play dominoes or something like that, then such an event is a great occasion to invite a photographer to spend some time with you. Or you can just take balloons, soap bubbles and other simple things with you for a photo shoot in the studio or on the street to create a festive atmosphere. nine0005

Idea 8. Use everything at hand

Absolutely any simple accessory used by everyone can make a picture amazing. For example:

Idea 9. "Portrait in a portrait"

Frames and mirrors help in creating very non-trivial shots.

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