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Simple cute selfie poses

16 Best Selfie Poses to Transform Your Social Media Account

Today, I’ll be guiding you through my top selfie poses to have you take the perfect selfie! You will have some fun selfie tips to keep your social media fresh and exciting by the end of this article.

I’m sure we’re all familiar with the modern art of the selfie. It can be tough to get such a straightforward photograph just right—especially when you want to show off your best side!

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Use Your Current Mood and Atmosphere

The biggest tip I can give you for a good selfie is to let your mood and atmosphere on that particular day dictate the shot. We have all seen pictures where the selfie pose looks too forced or unnatural. You can even tell when a person is forcing a smile.

The best selfie poses are the ones that reflect how you’re feeling, your attitude, or your personality. Perhaps you feel tired and cozy, or you’re outgoing and loud. Pick a selfie pose that reflects your current emotions and who you are.

Of course, the more thought you put into a selfie, the better it will be. But, that isn’t to say it’s a must. Sometimes a spontaneous source of inspiration or lighting will call for a quick snap, which is sometimes the best.

It comes down to familiarity with what works and what doesn’t. The best way to find out for yourself is to try out several different poses in different scenarios. The second best way is to read all these posing tips to help get you on the right track!

The Best Selfie Poses and Posing Tips

I will now guide you through some easy selfie posing tips to help you find your best creative selfie poses.

16. Show Your Best Silly Selfie Poses

In the beginning, it might feel awkward or forced to pose for your selfie. Let that pressure go!

Try silly poses and expressions that make you laugh. This selfie pose gives your photo playful and easy vibes.

The problem with selfies is that they often seem unnatural. You can avoid this by being yourself and capturing whatever you feel like doing. Remember, no one needs to see these pictures of you. So have fun and try out as many poses as you can.

One tip is to put the camera into burst mode and start playing around. You can also set your phone to video and record yourself trying different, creative selfie poses. Afterward, take a screenshot of the frame you like the best.

15. Relax Your Lips

Ever wondered why professional models’ lips look so soft and kissable? It’s because they’ve learned to relax their mouth (the opposite of the duck face).

For sexy selfie poses, open your mouth a tiny bit and pretend you are breathing through them. Your lips won’t be pressed together anymore and will look fuller.

Avoid the unnatural duck face with the pouty lips and pressed in cheeks. Pretend you are about to give a gentle kiss to someone. That way, you make your lips look even more enticing.

14. Practice Easy-Going Smiles

You might feel awkward when taking selfies alone. But a smile makes every photo look better—even if you have to fake it at first.

To avoid looking uncomfortable, practice in front of the mirror. Think about something that makes you laugh or someone you would love to smile at.

A good technique in selfie posing is first to look down and relax your facial muscles until you are ready to take the shot. Then look up and give your camera a big smile. It will be a more natural smile because you only start smiling a second before striking the selfie pose.

13. Make Your Eyes Stand Out

Eyes are always the focus of selfies, so you have to make sure they stand out. Find poses that emphasize them as the focal point in your selfie.

You can look straight into the camera. This pose makes you look honest and direct. But keep in mind that many people look like they have cross-eyes if they look at something close to their face. You can reduce this effect by looking a bit underneath the camera lens.

If you use a selfie stick, try raising it in the air. It forces your eyes to open a bit more. (This selfie pose also guarantees you won’t have a double chin!)

And if you have bright-colored eyes, they pop even more if you take the selfie from above your head, especially if you use good lighting.

You can also “squinch” in your selfies. It’s a popular facial expression for models. It looks a little bit like squinting, but your eyes shouldn’t narrow too much. The pose gives your face a cheeky and playful look.

Or you can also look away from the camera and pretend you don’t see it. This is an excellent candid pose if you are camera shy.

12. Show-Off Your Style With Full-Body Selfies Poses

People often take selfies that only include their faces. But a popular pose is to include your whole body.

This can be tricky, but it is one of the best selfie poses when executed well. That’s because the full-body selfie allows you to show off your outfit and environment to reflect who you are too!

It may be tough to find the best angle and the most flattering selfie poses to highlight your features. Again, test out a couple of posing ideas each time you take one.

An excellent idea for the full-body selfie is to make a mirror selfie. It’s an easy way to fit your whole body in the frame. You can also see yourself and correct a pose if you don’t like what you see with mirror selfie poses.

Use a mirror at home.

11. Include Your Hands for Natural-Looking Portraits

Poses using your hands can make your selfie look more natural. Gently touch your face or place your chin on your palm.

One popular selfie pose is to play with or lift your hair. It’s another selfie pose that makes your image look candid. You can also use your hair to cover parts of your face if it’s long enough! If you are wearing a hat, you can also place your hand on it.

We touch our faces a lot more than we realize. If you do the same in your selfie, it will convey a more spontaneous shot.

10. Steady Your Selfie Pose With Both Hands

Take a selfie while holding your camera or phone in both of your hands. Your arms will steady the photo’s composition and allow you to frame yourself with more control and intention.

Holding your camera with two hands and raising it high forces you to stick your neck forward. And having your neck forward means more definition in certain areas and will eliminate any unwanted double chin.

9. Use Unusual Angles

Many people take selfies from or a bit above their eye level. Spice things up and look for different angles. Taking a selfie from the ground gives an exciting perspective to your photo.

Or use a selfie stick and place it way above your head. Selfie sticks can create many new angles you can experiment with. Plus, selfie sticks help you avoid facial distortions.

8. Capture Moments Together

You don’t have to be alone in your selfies. Involve your friends and take group selfies!

To fit everyone in, make sure that the person taking the photo is standing a bit further from the rest of you. They’ll be in the foreground and the rest of you in the background.

The selfie photographer can also stand on a higher or a lower spot to ensure everyone fits in the frame.

This is another technique that works beautifully as mirror selfies. Luckily, many bars and art galleries have attractive mirrors, so keep an eye out for mirror selfies with friends!

Pictures with friends tend to be the best selfies as they’re the ones you will cherish the most!

7. Invite a Furry Friend

Selfie poses with pets are always fun. Plus, you never know what the result will be.

Many animals don’t like to stay in one position, so they constantly change how they pose for the photo. This means you will need more patience to get the perfect selfie pose.

Be mindful that your pet is comfortable and that you aren’t forcing them to be in uncomfortable positions.

When you take a selfie with your pet, gently hug them or hold them to ensure their movement is not too sudden. Otherwise, you end up with a blurry selfie.

6. Take Selfies While Doing Something You Enjoy

Do you like riding bikes? Capture poses with your bicycle. Do you enjoy dancing? Snap a selfie while you dance around.

Do you love cooking or baking? Try selfie poses while you are preparing a dish in the kitchen. Not only does this give you the chance to show off your food, but also to show off yourself!

The best selfies always come from a place where you are enjoying what you are doing! You will naturally have the best selfie if you capture an activity you love.

5. Go Underwater

Underwater selfie poses are unique and fun. You can take them with an underwater camera, GoPro, or even the newest, waterproof smartphones.

If you can, try to keep your eyes open. You can also try to smile for the underwater selfie.

But don’t stress too much about your facial expression. You can also blow up your cheeks and hold your breath.

This selfie was taken snorkeling in Indonesia. Everyone looks ridiculous in a snorkeling mask. So the photographer thought she would embrace the look and capture her frog face under the water.

© Dora Jokkel

4. Use Unusual Poses or Exciting Activities

Many people take selfies while standing or sitting down. Why not spice things up and capture yourself in more exciting selfie poses?

Stand on your head or do a gymnastic bridge if you can. Or any yoga position can work well.

Take a selfie while bungee jumping or on a rollercoaster if you’re feeling adventurous. Just remember to hold onto your phone!

The main goal is to be creative and find new posing ideas for your selfie game.

3. Go Meta

This concept belongs to the category of more abstract selfie ideas. But the results can be pretty effective. Find or print a photograph of yourself and take a picture of it.

A fantastic idea is to capture a Polaroid photograph with a fascinating location in the background. Polaroid photographs are perfect for this idea as they have a terrific aesthetic.

It’s not a traditional selfie, but it’s creative and unique. It’s an easy way to get your best selfie.

© Dora Jokkel

2. Find Unique Locations

Selfies get much better when the background includes an exciting location. Strike a pose if you travel to a well-known city, if you are in nature, or have a famous building in the background.

Make sure you use natural light the best you can. Sometimes, the sun won’t agree with you when trying to fit a specific location into the background. Try different angles to see what you can get away with!

Avoid harsh midday sun. It’s best to wait for golden hour or blue hour.

1. Take a Mirror Selfie in a Different Way

Mirror selfies are an easy way to get your best selfie. There is no surprise the mirror selfie is one of the most popular selfie poses. But, an excellent way to stand out is to think outside the box!

Take a photo of yourself while focusing on a mirror with your camera. You can use a car mirror. Or maybe you would like to photograph yourself in a shop reflection or even a warped mirror!

There are lots of different options for some creative results. Keep an eye out for mirrors wherever you go.

4 Tips to Take the Perfect Selfie

1. Consider Your Lighting

Lighting is the most critical factor to consider when taking a great selfie. If you are not familiar with how your face changes depending on where the light source is coming from, you should watch this YouTube video.

One golden rule is to not shoot with the light source behind you or the camera pointing toward the light.

You will likely work with natural light for most of your self-portraits. This is my favorite type of light to use. Look for a warm glow during golden hour or nice even lighting on an overcast day.

Be careful about the direct sun that can cause harsh lighting. It can often cast unwanted shadows across your face, taking away from your beautiful natural features. You may also get a dark shadow in your eyes,

Even light tends to be the best selfie light. Models and influencers use a ring light around their cameras to get the most even light. You can now get small ring lights to attach to phones or ones that act as a lamp that you can have at home!

2. Be Aware of the Background

Often, we can overlook what is going on in the background while trying to get our best selfie poses. When we see our photos later—sometimes too late—we notice how a simple detail can ruin the whole image.

An easy way to address this is to look for a neutral background. Maybe there’s a wall with a simple color or pattern. Or maybe there’s a tree or bush that looks interesting.

If you’re trying to get a specific location in the background, your subject will likely be so far from the camera that there will be a clear separation. If there isn’t, you can always use the sky to ensure nothing is distracting directly behind your face.

Be mindful of particular objects that can ruin the mood of your selfie. Small things like trash bins or toilets never look great in a selfie. Make sure you adjust your angle slightly to take these objects out of the frame.

3. Use Portrait Mode

Smartphones nowadays have an excellent AI ability to simulate a shallow depth of field. The camera focuses on the focal point, and everything else is slightly blurred out.

This method makes sure that no attention is taken away from your beautiful face. It also makes the image look sharper as everything else is out of focus.

Sometimes the AI will only work when you are a certain distance from the camera. That means that a full-body shot most likely won’t work in a Portrait mode image. This restriction is worth keeping in mind!

4. Let Out a Great Big Laugh

Sometimes, we want to show our friends and family we’re happy—but not in a fake way. One method of looking happy naturally is to simulate a great big laugh.

Often, this will cause us to laugh for real, especially if we are with friends. There is even a whole yoga practice around fake laughing.

So next time you pose for a selfie, give it a go. You can even try it with a friend!

Top Tips For Men and Women

Poses for boys and girls can be a bit different at times. But don’t box yourself into one category or the other. Use what works best for you.

Easy Selfie Poses for Boys

  • Square your shoulders for a broad look
  • Stand with good posture for a confident pose
  • Squint your eyes slightly for an inquisitive look
  • Push out your jaw for a stronger line

These are a few examples of how you can make guys look better in selfies. For a more in-depth look, check out our article on poses for men.

Easy Selfie Poses for Girls

  • Play with your hair for a natural look
  • Pose in front of a mirror to show off your curves
  • Raise your chin for a confident look
  • Open your mouth slightly for a sexy look

Again, these are only a few posing tips for female selfies. To see more ideas, check out our guide for female portrait poses.


Selfies are great fun and an excellent way to practice your posing and self-portrait skills. To avoid taking mainstream selfies, try out new selfie poses and see what works best for you.

Remember, a good photograph takes practice! So, find the poses and the situations which work best for you! Soon, you’ll have an Instagram feed covered in pictures that show you living your best life!

Now that you’ve exported selfie poses, find even more expert social media tips in our Social Success Strategies e-book!

11 Best Selfie Poses + How to Pose for Selfies

Imagine this: You’re wearing a brand-spanking-new outfit, you’re having a fire hair day, or you’re just generally feeling yourself. Perfect time to indulge in a little personal photo sesh. Okay, so you go capture your winning selfie, and BAM, you look like a troll.

Come onnnnnn, you know it’s happened.

Sure, maybe the word “troll” is a wee bit harsh, but let’s just say your dream of seeing the likes roll in on your latest IG post is slowly fading away.

Ugh, the worst, right?

Okay, chill, chill, chill, I’ve got you. Today we’re going to go over all the best selfie poses and tips, so we don’t have anymore tragic selfie moments that have you crying over the bathroom sink.

Get your phones ready, friends. It’s time to capture an epic selfie with these poses and tips.

Know what vibe/mood you're going for with your selfie pose


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A post shared by Addison Rae (@addisonraee)

In case Captain Obvious isn’t exactly your middle name, I’ve got a little tip here that I’m going to shove down your throat: When capturing your selfie, please, know what mood you’re going for.

Are you trying to channel your inner Beyonce with a little sass? Do you want to get a little silly? Do you have something serious you want to say in your caption?

Whatever the case, knowing the feeling you’re going for in your selfie won’t only help you pick your pose, it will also help you pick your outfit, your lighting, and your setting.

And hey, if your selfie is a bit more spontaneous, pick the pose that fits your mood. If you woke up feeling bright and sunny, opt for a happy selfie pose. If your spice level is at 100, embrace it. And hey, if you’re feeling a little down in the dumps, ain’t nothing wrong with a little moody selfie.

Here are the best selfie poses based on your mood:

1. Sexy selfie poses


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A post shared by Ariana Grande (@arianagrande)

  • Show off the booty — and your face — by using a mirror selfie and looking over your shoulder as Ariana Grande did above. Best of both worlds.
  • A photo in bed is almost always going to be alluring. Pose by highlighting the fact you’re in bed, and don’t be afraid to use a tripod if you want to get a full-body shot
  • Let’s be real, confidence is always the sexiest part of any selfie. When posing, highlight the parts of you that make you feel most confident. Not feeling great about a certain part of your body? Keep it out of your selfie. Simple.

Check out more tips for sexy selfie poses here.

2. Happy selfie poses

  • It’s not complicated. Smile.
  • Bring a little more joy into your selfie by laughing. Just be sure that the laugh actually looks natural. If it’s relatively obvious that you’re fake-laughing in your selfie, you’re going to look silly. Best case scenario: Get someone to genuinely make you laugh and catch a pic of it.
  • If you really want to capture joy, take your selfie with someone who makes you happy. A child, a significant other, even your pup can make for an excellent partner for your happy selfie.

3. Serious selfie poses


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A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez)

  • Pouty lips will never fail when you’re going for a more serious selfie.
  • Having difficulty looking serious? Try pretending you’re surprised. Not full-blown “surprise party” surprised, but just a tad shocked or intrigued by something you just heard.
  • Pose in a way that adds shadows to your face. This ends up giving your selfie a serious and mysterious vibe.

4. Thoughtful selfie poses

  • Opt for the classic thoughtful selfie pose by resting your head in your hand. Just don’t rest the full weight of your head in your head or you’ll likely end up with squishy chipmunk cheeks.
  • Don’t look directly at the camera. Instead, look off into the distance as you snap your shot. You know, like you’re thinking deep, deep thoughts.
  • Thoughtful selfies generally require a thoughtful caption. If you’re trying to make a statement about a topic that is important to you, take your selfie in a location that relates to whatever statement you’re trying to make. For instance, if there’s a particular business that you don’t think is ethical, take your selfie in front of that business to make a point.

5. Silly selfie poses


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A post shared by Danielle Maltby (@dmmaltby)

  • Squinty eyes, tongue out, head tilted. It’s a classic.
  • Try making a growling tiger face. It’s playful, but also adds an element of sass to your silly selfie.
  • The duck face is out. Seriously, this face is so overdone at this point, there’s nothing silly or interesting about it. Have more fun with your silly selfie and retire your duck face, ‘kay?

6. Mirror Mirror on the Wall, when should I make use of the always-popular mirror selfie?


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A post shared by loren gray (@loren)

Biiiiiiiig fans of the mirror selfie over here.

In fact, if mirror selfies are your jam, too, we’ve got a whole guide to taking a top-notch mirror selfie.

In general, though, here a couple of posing tips for nailing your mirror selfie pose:

  • Pose with the camera in front of your face if you’re feeling a little camera shy.
  • When standing, try putting one foot in front of the other, keeping your arms away from your body, and pushing your hips back.
  • You can also sit in your mirror selfie. Angle yourself to the mirror, bend one leg in and keep the other straight for something dynamic, or opt for both straight but angled to the side to add length. Just avoid slouching, please.
  • Can’t decide between sitting or standing? Try the side squat mirror selfie if you’re feeling a little peachy.
  • Get creative with it and pose in your car’s side-view mirror. Mirror selfies can be a little out-of-the-box, too!

7. How to pose for a selfie in a group

Posing for a group selfie can be a real pain in the bum. Am I right or am I right?

There’s always one person who’s not in the frame, or someone is a little too close to the lens, or another person is just not looking in the right direction.

For the perfect group selfie, use some of these tips:

  • Make sure everyone in your selfie is in the light. You don’t need Bobby lurking in the background covered in shadow (creeeeeeeepy).
  • On most phones, you can use the buttons on the side of the phone to capture a picture. This helps with keeping your hand steady. A pop socket can also help you maneuver the phone.
  • Stagger people so you’re either in a line or have taller people stand in the back. Even taking the selfie from above and having everyone stand behind you can work. Play with angles, move people around, and utilize people with long arms to snap the shot.  
  • When in doubt, just suck it up and use a selfie stick to really get the best group selfie. We know selfie sticks can make you feel like a total nerd, so we’ve got a whole guide on how to use a selfie stick and not look ridiculous.

To put it simply: Face the light source, use natural light when possible, and snap away.

To expand on specific instances for you visionaries who have a particular selfie mood in mind...

8. If you're taking a selfie with golden hour lighting...

You know how I said lighting matters? Well, if you can get golden hour lighting, don’t question it, just do it.

Soft, diffused, and warm, taking your selfie when the sun is starting to set will give your complexion a luminous glow that you can only get during the golden hour. Golden hour poses are truly the most natural.

Usually, I’d recommend avoiding shadows on your face for a selfie, but with the golden hour, it’s all about playing up the shadows. Bathe yourself in the warm glow of the sun for a selfie that is guaranteed to be an A+.

9. If you're taking a selfie at night...

While night lighting isn’t the ideal lighting situation, you can still capture a selfie that makes you go, whoa.

And really, it’s pretty simple.

When taking a selfie at night, make it obvious that you’re taking it at night. Plain and simple.

Don’t turn every single light on in your house trying to fool people into thinking it’s daytime (it won’t work). Don’t throw on the flash and pretend that you’re just magically lit up (unless that kind of nostalgic, throwback feel is your goal).

Instead, go for a more moody feeling, play with shadow, or make sure there’s a good reason for why you’re taking a selfie at night (i.e. a selfie in front of the Eiffel Tower lit up at night will never not be magical).

10. If you're taking a selfie in the morning...

In some cases, the morning light can be a little harsh.


If you know what you’re doing, morning selfie lighting is one of my favorites. Again, though, the best morning selfies are the ones that make it obvious that it’s a morning selfie.

Take your selfie from bed, go for an “I woke up like this look”, or have the sunrise in your background.

11. Have you considered thinking out of the box with your selfie pose?


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A post shared by Amanda 𝕮𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖞 (@amandacerny)

Nothing helps your selfie perform better than when you get a bit playful with your shot. For some unique selfie poses, try these:

  • Hang upside down from monkey bars
  • Climb a tree
  • On a roof
  • In the middle of the street
  • In front of your ex’s house (you know, shock value)
  • In the water
  • On a bike
  • Skydiving (you daredevil!)

The easiest way to capture a unique selfie pose is to switch up your location.

Not satisfied? Here are more awesome selfie posing tips:

If you've made it this far, you deserve to get a few more exclusive selfie posing tips for everyone:

For Girls


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A post shared by Shay Mitchell (@shaymitchell)

Ladies, listen up, whether you want to admit it or not, there are some tried and true selfie poses for girls out there that will bring your selfie to a whole new level. Curious? I’ve got you.

  • Try relaxing your lips. No seriously, do it right now to see what I mean. You probably don’t even realize it but many of us hold so much tension in our mouths. Relax your jaw, ever so slightly part your lips, and voila! Lip injections without the needle.
  • Extend your neck forward when you snap your shot. You may feel a little silly doing this, but it will make sure your chin and neck area look elegant.    
  • Know your angles. I know, I know, that sounds a little vague, but trust me on this. The women out there who selfie like pros? They practice. They know what angles work and what angles don’t, and they play up those features. This will be different for everyone, but if you take the time to figure out your angles, you can master your selfie. Ain’t no shame in your selfie game.

For Boys


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A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber)

As a man, you might feel like all the best selfie posing tips out there are for women. Well, you’re right, selfie posing does tend to target woman, but here’s the deal: Almost all of the tips apply to you too, buttttttttt if you’re feeling a little left out and you want some male-specific selfie posing tips, no worries, we are here for you.

  • Don’t look bored. I’m not sure who started this trend of men looking bored in their selfies, but it just does not work. A blue steel look? Sure. But if you don’t know how to pull off that look and I catch you just looking bored, no bueno.
  • Hairlines can be a point of insecurity for a lot of men, so be sure you’re really considering where you’re placing your camera. Shoot from above and your forehead is going to look massive, shoot from below and we won’t even see your hair. Instead, shoot at eye level and if you’re worried about your hairline, tilt your head back ever so slightly.
  • And hey, when in doubt, opt for sunglasses and/or a hat. With the sunglasses, you’ll probably feel a bit more confident and less camera-shy, and the hat — well, I think we all know what the hat is for.

How to use light when you pose for a selfie

Light is everything. Repeat that: Lighting is everything.

But seriously, there’s nothing that takes a selfie from zero to one-hundred in a shorter time than optimal lighting.

In general, when lighting your selfie, opt for natural light. When natural light isn’t possible, diffused lighting is better (i.e. plenty of light spread out rather than one lamp shining directly on you).

And here’s a big one that people often forget: Light yourself right at eye level. So, for instance, if all the light is coming directly from above, you’re going to end up with dark under-eye circles (ugh), while lighting from below will make you look like you just stepped out of a Halloween movie (no thanks).

Who's ready to take their most epic selfie yet?

Are you itching to whip out your iPhone so you can start snapping away?

Oh, I bet you are.

Try using some of these tips, don't forget to practice, and never be afraid to get a little experimental with your selfies.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: The best selfie poses are the unexpected selfies.

Go ahead, shock me. I dare you.

Extended reading for those still looking for their best selfie pose:

  • Creative selfie poses: Get creative with your selfie poses.
  • Lazy selfie poses: Not everyone wants to run across town for the perfect selfie pose; read on to find out how you can nail your lazy selfie pose.
  • Sitting selfie poses: Getting off the couch really is a drag, but that's no problem for those looking for the perfect sitting selfie pose.
  • Standing selfie poses: You've decided to get off the couch. Perfect, now you are ready for our standing selfie poses guide.
90,000 tips from photographers. The best selfie ideas. How to look to get the best self-portrait

This type of entertainment is not popular. Unfortunately, the poses for a selfie-style photo shoot are quite limited. This is due to the fact that you can only take a selfie in front of a mirror surface or with the help of an outstretched hand. The same type of pictures of girls with duck lips look quite boring. If you have a goal to fill your account with high-quality and interesting photos, you should learn the best selfie poses and some shooting rules. nine0003 Attention, shooting!

When taking a selfie without mirrors with your arm outstretched, only your face and chest are usually visible in the frame. It is quite logical that the poses for it must be selected so that the eyes look expressive, and the shape of the chest is not distorted. To do this, the head should be tilted slightly to look at the camera not directly, but at an angle. At the same time, the back should be even, and the chin slightly raised (you don’t want to see wrinkles on your neck?). Photos taken from the front are very rarely successful, as the camera enlarges the nose. You can avoid this effect if you place the camera not in front of your face, but above your head. In addition, this approach allows you to create interesting poses for selfies, because in the frame you will see not only the face, but also the environment. nine0003

Girls like to take pictures of themselves in the company of their friends. Shooting with an outstretched hand is not suitable for this purpose, since it is not so easy to fit two faces in the frame without cropping. The best solution would be a mirror surface. Poses for a selfie with a girlfriend or girlfriends in front of the mirror can be anything! Jump, make funny faces, smile, hug each other, enjoy sipping a cocktail through a straw! The main thing is that in the frame you look as natural as possible. Cool selfie poses always look better than staged ones with forced smiles and fake emotions. You can experiment with several mirrors. Doubled and even tripled image looks original. nine0003

Selfie lovers, who periodically delight their page subscribers with beautiful pictures, use a simple trick. Having experimented at home in front of a mirror, they memorize the most advantageous position, and then slightly modify it. Not a bad option!

Little tricks

Even the most beautiful selfie poses won't be appreciated by viewers if you don't take care of the right lighting. Light can also emphasize the beauty of the skin, the shine of the hair, skillfully executed makeup, and finally spoil the impression. In a dark room, selfies are blurry, grainy, and a shadow will definitely be noticeable on the face, which will not add beauty. The best selfie poses involve good direct lighting. The best option is sunlight that falls on the model's face. nine0003

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of makeup. Even if there is a desire to look as natural as possible, gloss on the lips and a thin layer of mascara on the eyelashes will not hurt. Bright red, pale pink and purple lipstick looks good on a selfie. The highlighter will save from dark circles under the eyes. It is better to collect hair in a ponytail or a bun so that it does not cover the face, unless, of course, some mystery and mystery is not part of the idea.

Fantasize with poses, change the scenery, have fun, and then the selfie is guaranteed to get more than one hundred "likes"! nine0003

We think the selfie originated 5-6 years ago when smartphones were equipped with this function. In fact, they appeared at the same time that the first camera was invented.

The initial "self-photographs" were taken in a mirror with an apparatus mounted on a tripod. After 100 years, technology has made it possible to move away from the mirror and experiment with self-imaging.

A lot of "selfies" are posted on the net. How to make a frame look original and bright among many similar ones? The proposed selfie poses for girls will help solve this problem. nine0003

  1. Take care of your appearance. I think it is superfluous to remind you that the hair must be clean, do not build a “Tower of Babel” on your head, on the contrary. the more natural the hairstyle, the better the picture will come out. Makeup differs from everyday makeup with a bright accent, here it is advisable to study the pros and cons of your appearance, if you have beautiful lips, make them brighter.
  2. Choose a background. It happens that you look at photos of girls taken at home. The girl is charming, and in the back there is a Soviet-style wall, boxes, all sorts of rubbish. The impression is not the most positive. Let the good old carpet on the wall be better. Joke. Interesting shots are obtained in nature, because the sky, water bodies, plants are a wonderful backdrop for photographs. nine0034

Beautiful selfie poses and how to take a selfie.

  • Classic pose. We photograph the head, neck, optionally capture the shoulders. To look attractive in such a photo, follow the turn of your head. An ideal angle of 35-45 degrees, in this position, the chin line looks expressive. It is better not to shoot in full face, you risk looking inharmonious.

  • Head tilted to one side. The photo is taken even in full face, even in profile. Play with your shoulders, wink or close your eyes, smile. The main thing here is to follow the direction of the light so that it falls on the face, then a shine will appear in the eyes, and the skin tone will become even. nine0034

  • "Better view from above". Interesting pictures are obtained if you hold the camera above your head. The figure looks slimmer, the eyes are more expressive. Surrounding objects are included in the frame. Do you have a luxurious neckline? Then choose this angle! Most importantly, do not forget to keep your back straight, slightly stretching your neck.

  • Tilt back. This pose is used to capture the "fifth point". To make your buttocks look more attractive, arch your back, then bend forward slightly. In this position, it is better to shoot from the top down or from the side. The first method is suitable if this part of the body is appetizing in size, but if you cannot boast of magnificent volumes, it remains to increase the deflection and experiment with changing the position of the camera. nine0034

  • Bottom-up. The pose is quite popular. One caveat - you can’t lower your head down, you risk getting a second chin, even if you didn’t have one. Keep your head straight or slightly up. In this position, facial features are not so clearly visible, but the picture promises to be memorable.

  • Standing. Such shots look advantageous in the “arm on the side” or “bending one leg” position. This position is suitable for those who want to show off new dresses or shoes. nine0034

Sexy selfie secrets

What girl can do without a sexy selfie? Right! None! But looking at such pictures, you are often afraid of courage and shamelessness. How to take a sexy selfie, not a vulgar one?

For a sexy selfie, you have to learn a few rules:

And a few words about lighting when taking a sexy selfie. Here, experts - masters of photography and photoshop - advise taking selfies in advance in good lighting, rather than uploading them to the network or sending your favorite photo of a figure at sunset with a distortion of light and outlines. Therefore, sexy pictures are created in any suitable environment - in bed against the background of silk linen and plain walls, in the kitchen at breakfast while no one sees, in the bathroom during the shower. It is the morning or daytime with natural light that makes it possible to take gorgeous pictures of the sexy body. Artificial lamps require a careful approach and certain knowledge of the incidence of a beam of light on your body. nine0003

These are good selfie poses. Try, fantasize, choose! What if, as a result of the search, you find something special, then such a selfie will not be lost in the millions of pictures that flood social networks.

How to make a selfie (selfie), which will gain the maximum number of likes and will be original and unique. Today, selfies are an integral part of social networks. What is a selfie and how to take it?

nine0002 Selfie - First of all, this is a photo of yourself taken by yourself, mainly with the help of smartphones and cameras. Portrait selfies are very popular. To make a photo really bright, interesting and non-standard, it is necessary to take into account many nuances during shooting, for example, light, background, pose.


Secrets of a successful selfie

The "epidemic" of selfies has gripped almost everyone who has a camera phone or a small camera. Everyone, without exception, strives to capture a loved one, but, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to take a selfie correctly, because to create a high-quality photo, you need to know a few basic rules. The first and perhaps most important thing to pay attention to is proper lighting. The best option is natural lighting, which illuminates the subject as well as possible. nine0003
cute selfie with boyfriend

It is important to remember that the light from behind will create a lot of shadows, visually making facial features fuzzy and rough. The ideal option is a light aimed at the face, which should be slightly above eye level.

with a girlfriend

An important factor in creating an original selfie is the background. On the Internet, we see numerous pictures taken by:

romantic selfie in paris nine0040
  • in nightclubs,
  • at parties,
  • in public toilets,
  • private bathrooms and bedrooms.
  • You won't surprise anyone with such photographs, moreover, these photographs are considered bad manners.


    Therefore, if you really want to surprise with an interesting photo, then you should take care of a high-quality background, because a selfie is not only a beautiful face. The most popular are selfies (selfie), where the main background is nature, because what could be more beautiful

    family selfie
    • snowy mountains,
    • flower fields
    • bizarre rock formations.

    Equally important is the posture you adopt and the expression on your face, especially when shooting portraits. As a rule, the pose and facial expression demonstrate the main idea of ​​the photo, create the atmosphere and mood.

    How to take selfies for girls and boys

    Selfies of guys and girls, although they differ, are insignificant, because the basic rules for a successful photo taken are the same for everyone. nine0142 Guys it will not be superfluous to learn how to tie a tie () this video demonstrates the basic manipulations step by step. A selfie where a guy appears as a real and elegant gentleman can win almost any girl's heart.

    cool selfie on the mountain

    If a guy wants to show off his beefy torso, then it's better to give up a photo in his own bathroom in favor of a selfie taken in the gym. Moreover, the background will be the best way to express the main idea of ​​the photo. Selfies will be relevant, where the guy takes a picture of himself during his favorite activity or hobby, for example:

    attraction selfie
    • while skiing,
    • at the rehearsals of his rock band
    • at the top of the mountain.

    nice selfie underwater

    How to take a selfie for girls , when creating a photo, special attention should be paid to lighting. It is very important to choose the right makeup so that the photo is clear and the glare from pearly eye shadows and lip gloss does not create a blurry and tired effect. Selfies without makeup are becoming more and more popular among Hollywood stars. Photos of girls in the morning without makeup, with a slightly careless hairstyle in the rays of sunlight, are very cute and interesting. Also relevant are photos showing a fashionable bow, for example, completely from denim. The original will be a photo in which the girl can offer several ideas , for what a small pocket on jeans.

    Today photography has become a way of presenting and promoting oneself, one's art or business. We take pictures to capture moments in life or develop our own business, but in many situations it is easier and faster to take a picture of ourselves without outside help. Who knows better than you how to shoot you, especially if you use all the tricks of a successful selfie. So, what are these secrets that will help you look beautiful in the photo? nine0002 1. Light

    The right light is at least 60% of success. With good lighting, your face looks its best and the image quality is as good as possible. The ideal light is moderately bright and diffused. At home, it is best to shoot while facing the window. If on this day the scorching sun, you can curtain the window with light tulle, which will soften the rays. Outdoor photos are best taken on a bright but cloudy day. Clouds scatter light in the same way as tulle. Indoors, it is good when the light source is slightly to the side and above eye level, but electric lighting loses to natural. nine0003

    2. Angle

    Of course, you need to build on your appearance. You probably already noticed when you are at your best. If not, try shooting yourself, changing the position of your face a little with each frame. In most cases, the most successful angles are considered to be a 3/4 turn of the head and shooting from above or slightly above, i.e. The phone must be above eye level. Be sure to catch the light and don't turn against it. Many studies on facial asymmetry have found that the left side often looks fresher and younger. Check which side of your face is "working". Better not film yourself from below. The risk of getting a second chin and a wide face is too great. A very good shot can be obtained by slightly tilting the phone itself. In this way, you direct the viewer's eye in the picture in a slightly different way, which can play into your hands. nine0003

    3. Make-up

    Be sure to mask minor skin imperfections and bruises under the eyes. Usually the camera of the phone betrays them treacherously. Beautiful skin is the best way to create a pleasant photographic impression. Ideally, you can do a complete make-up. It is good to highlight the skin with concealer or highlighter. To make the face not look flat, you can highlight the cheekbones. Very spectacular shots are obtained if you focus on the lips, choosing a bright lipstick. Too lazy to paint? Put on beautiful sunglasses in a shape that suits you and emphasize your lips. nine0003

    4. Image

    It's good if you remember some detail. Earrings, necklaces, glasses and other accessories can make a very stylish selfie. Jessica Alba, for example, loves to take photos in hats.

    5. Facial expression

    It's better to forget about duckface and smile nicely. Even when you're not smiling with your mouth, use the Tyra Banks trick and smile with your eyes. The emotion in the picture makes it very attractive. Take selfies whenever you're in the mood. So the photos will turn out as natural as possible. nine0003

    6. Background

    Avoid shots with messy backgrounds, gloomy passers-by and just those who want to spoil your photo. If something like this happened, and there is no way to re-photograph it, treat it with humor and write something funny under the photo. It’s also good if your outstretched hand does not get into the frame. In most cases, this looks out of place.

    7. Filters and retouching

    The better the image quality (see point 1), the more opportunities to process it. Very often, in the process of processing, the photo loses quality and the initially weak frame does not get better after retouching. Filters are more efficient. You can highlight the face or add an interesting effect. With a high quality image, you can do everything in combination, successfully retouch and add a filter. nine0003

    8. More views and likes

    If you want to get more likes and views, the time of publication matters. Usually bursts of activity occur around 7-9 am, when users wake up and check the phone, 11-13, during work breaks and at 17-18, after the end of the working day. Posting a photo at midnight our time, the target audience will be America. Popular hashtags will also draw the attention of fans of the relevant topics. nine0003

    How often do you take selfies? What do you do to get good photos?

    In the era of mobile phones with high-quality cameras, it is difficult to find a person who has never photographed himself in his life. Some shots are excellent, while others leave much to be desired. Many people ask: how to take selfies for girls? A few secrets will make you look great in the photo.

    Selfie poses for girls

    Position in the frame plays the main role. This needs to be taken into account when thinking about how to take a selfie correctly. All angles should be divided into several types:

    • Full face . The emphasis is on the face, shoulders, chest can get into the frame. Choosing this selfie pose involves makeup that evens out the skin and the right hairstyle;

    Half face

    • Half face . If beautiful selfie poses were built according to aesthetics, this option would take the lead. This angle will make the face already, emphasize the look and highlight the lips;

    • Profile . Bold enough: the outline of the face is highlighted, the cheeks and nose are enlarged. The eyes are lost and the ears come to the fore;

    Top view selfie

    • Top view . When choosing cool poses for a selfie, it is worth stopping at this option: the emphasis moves to the eyes. Do not forget about a good background;

    Full length selfie.

    • Full length. It is worth resorting to a similar pose when there is a beautiful landscape or attraction nearby. nine0034

    All of the listed cool selfie poses are actively used by girls to create pictures that will collect a lot of likes from subscribers.

    Best Selfie Poses

    But the above angles are not a panacea and won't produce the perfect shot, no matter the circumstances. If a girl does not understand how to take a selfie, she should take note of the listed angles and try them on herself near the mirror. A kind of “rehearsal” will allow you to find the most successful angles for a particular person, choose the best poses, and at the same time find out the “working” sides from which it is worth taking pictures. nine0003

    It is necessary to take care that no one and nothing extra is left in the frame. It is unlikely that home clutter or gloomy passers-by will be able to decorate the photo, even if the main subject looks perfect.

    Good selfie poses with a girlfriend

    There can be more than one person in the frame. When planning to take a photo portrait with a friend, many do not know how to fit together organically so that all the girls “fit” into the frame and do not have to crop anything. The most common pose in this case is the “cheek to cheek” option. The smartphone must be placed at a distance and on top: this ensures the most advantageous angle. nine0003

    You can take a photo at a distance when one of the friends is further away than the other. One of the variations is a photo from above, which also provides an advantageous angle.

    Fashionable selfie poses with your loved one

    Photographs of a couple lying down look cute. The most popular photos were taken in the style of "follow me". The girl in this case comes to the fore, leading her partner by the hand. However, the young man can also try on the role of the leader. nine0003

    Front camera selfie poses for girls

    Since almost all modern phones are equipped with a powerful “front” camera, it is difficult to resist the temptation to click yourself in this way. You should not "cut off" parts of the body, unless, of course, this is some kind of artistic intent. To create a good picture, you should use a monopod.

    To make the photo perfect, you can process it with special applications before publishing it on the Internet. In the case of creating a group shot, you need to make sure that all the participants in the picture fit in the frame. nine0003

    How to take a selfie. Selfie poses.

    How do you take the perfect selfie that everyone likes? At first glance, the task does not seem easy, because photos on the phone often turn out to be of the same type: the position of the head, the distance, only the background changes. Is it possible to diversify selfies? If you are looking for cool photo ideas, this article is for you.

    How to take a selfie

    Photo by Daria Legenka

    Good lighting

    Remember: natural light is ideal. With it, your face will look fresher, mimic wrinkles will disappear, and the color of the eyes will “play”. You should not take pictures in dark rooms or with a flash - you will get a frame of “nothing to be seen” and red eyes.

    Makeup with accents

    It's like a passport photo: if you don't make up your eyes, you won't see them in the photo. For selfies, I advise you to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes or the swelling of the lips. You do not need to apply several layers of cosmetics, just make a thin eyeliner, use mascara and lip gloss. nine0003

    Naturalness is our everything

    Sponges with a bow have exhausted themselves for a long time. Attract photos with real emotions.

    Interesting background

    A selfie against a sunset or welding? Great idea! Looking for a nice background…

    Selfie poses

    Tilt your head to the shoulder

    This selfie will come out both half-face and profile. Let's play with our shoulders, try to cover part of the face or one eye and of course smile. nine0003


    Works well half-faced : the face does not look flat, and the eyes and lips take on a seductive shape. The ideal angle of rotation of the head is 35-45 degrees, so the chin looks more expressive.

    Photo from above
    Photo by Daria Legenka

    By focusing on facial features, you can skillfully hide some figure flaws. The eyes in such a photo will be more expressive, and the figure will be slimmer. If you have a magnificent bust, in this selfie he will show his best side. nine0003


    It used to be that a second chin was visible on such a selfie. But this is if the picture was taken incorrectly. Keep your head straight and this pose will give you charm.

    Full-length mirror It is better to take pictures with a beautiful background behind. Add some movement, you can spin, jump or crouch. Don't try to be casual, the reflection in the mirror indicates that this is not a random shot. Therefore, we straighten our shoulders, take the most advantageous position and hold the phone just below the shoulder. It is better to look at the phone screen. nine0003

    Interesting selfie ideas


    Do you like animals? Why not take a picture! You don't have to look for something exotic. Any pet is suitable for a selfie.

    In men's clothing

    Men's T-shirt looks seductive on a girl. And you can also borrow a jacket and tie from a guy - and experiment!

    Wind in your hair

    When shooting, the wind will do everything for you, you just need to stand and smile.

    Learn more

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