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Top 20 insects in an apartment and a country house: names with photos

For insects, the human home is the whole world. Here they hide, find food, multiply and die. Some of them are harmless, others cause some discomfort, others are harmful or even dangerous. And although, theoretically, any insect can get into the apartment, there are species that have firmly established themselves next to people. In most cases, a person himself creates suitable conditions for them:

  • food leftovers in sinks, dishes, trash cans;
  • occasional cleaning;
  • presence of places with high humidity;
  • gaps and cracks in skirting boards, walls, wallpaper.


This is a classic type of synanthropic insect. In the dwelling you can find two main types of cockroaches - black and red . Red is more viable and actively replaces black. Prussian came to Europe in the 18th century from South Asia and is now found everywhere. Cockroaches contaminate and destroy food, can carry some diseases, and have a repulsive appearance. The growth of their numbers can be very fast and the fight against them turns into a real war. You can use dozens of folk methods or factory preparations. Among them:

  • boric acid;
  • various traps;
  • ammonia;
  • sprays, aerosols, gels and crayons.

Follow the manufacturer's recommendations to obtain the result, and process several times . Well proven

cockroach and ant gel Offline Tarakanoff

. It is easy to apply, has a long lasting effect, and the active substance is transferred between insects.


The ants themselves do not pose a serious danger, but a huge number of scurrying small insects causes discomfort. Moreover, they penetrate into the smallest cracks and climb into almost all products. Some species inflict rather painful bites . In dwellings there are mainly black, red and red ants . The life of all ants is built around the "queen" - the main female, reproducing offspring.

Therefore, if there are many ants, following their path, you can find a place, where is the main socket . The destruction of the colony must begin from this place, since the fight against single ants is ineffective.
To remove these insects, baits with boric acid, traps and crayons are used. However, these methods do not give quick results. If it was possible to reliably establish the center of the colony, it is better to treat it with modern aerosols or sprays.

Clothes moth

Clothes moth is widespread throughout the world. Damaged clothes made of wool or silk are the hallmark of the caterpillars of this nondescript moth. At dusk or turning on the light at night, you can sometimes see a small butterfly fluttering around the apartment. These are, as a rule, males that do not pose a particular danger and do not have a gnawing mouth apparatus.
Females lay their eggs in the folds of clothing made from natural materials. This requires three conditions - the absence of drafts, humidity and a comfortable temperature. Therefore, wardrobes with winter clothes, rarely opened in summer, are an ideal place for moth development.
As preventive measures, regular airing and drying of linen and wardrobes can be recommended. Repellent odorants work well:

  • citrus peels;
  • dry lavender.

In case of severe damage, it is already worth using strong insecticides. Some products, such as Dr. Klaus moth spray, have a combined effect. It can be used both for killing moths and larvae and as a long-lasting repellent.

Food moth

All kinds of cereals, dried fruits or nuts are the subject of food moth encroachments. It does not have a silvery tint on the wings, it is smaller than clothes, and the overall color may vary depending on the species. The larva is a small, white worm.

If flying small moths are found near food storage places, it is necessary to immediately revise stored cereals, flour, pasta, nuts, etc., especially those that have not been used for a long time . When larvae and cocoons are found, it is better to dispose of the products in which they are found. Storage areas should be thoroughly washed and treated with special means.

Ground beetle

Ground beetles belong to one of the largest families and live in all climatic zones . These are, as a rule, rather large beetles (as seen in the photo), running and flying well. During the year in our climate, they have time to give offspring only once.

For the most part, ground beetles are harmless to both humans and cultivated plants, although there are species that cause some damage to young plantings . The most dangerous of them is grain ground beetle , which eats grains of cereals. It is controlled with the help of pesticides. Predatory ground beetles, on the contrary, benefit by eating small pests. A beetle that has entered the house can simply be caught and released, since their numbers are rarely high.


Human attitude towards spiders is traditionally negative, due to multiple superstitions. In fact, we do not have dangerous species of these arthropods. Great inconvenience is caused by the traces of their life activity - the web , which does not characterize the owners of the house from the best side. Destroying flying insects, spiders bring undoubted benefits, but their very presence in the apartment causes discomfort.

The most effective way to deal with spiders is to keep your home clean. Destroying the web, a person forces the spider to look for more comfortable conditions elsewhere.


This representative of the bristletail appeared in the tropics. And in apartments, the silverfish chooses places that remind her of her ancestral home - with high humidity and a temperature of . She is nocturnal and cannot tolerate bright light . The silverfish does not fly, but runs fast enough. Its appearance resembles ancient crustaceans - a spindle-shaped, flattened body, divided into segments.

Eating sugar, flour, wood glue, paper and leather, the insect brings, albeit insignificant, harm. The damage from silverfish becomes high only when the insect population increases greatly. Moreover, it is difficult to track this, as these are extremely secretive animals.
To eliminate insects, repellents, traps and some chemicals are used.


The most famous European earwig , which sometimes enters country houses, where it takes refuge under flower pots or plant leaves. This insect is easy to identify by paired "forceps" on the abdomen, which serve it for hunting and protection. The earwig can harm plants by eating shoots, flowers, and buds. But it also helps well in the fight against ticks, aphids and other small pests.


These are the closest relatives of spiders, differing from them in small sizes and some nuances in the structure of the body. The most famous spider mites are serious pests of indoor plants.

The spider mite feeds on the juice of indoor plants, which in advanced cases can lead to drying. For the destruction of ticks, folk remedies and factory preparations are used.

Dust pliers

Microscopic arachnids , whose size does not exceed 0.3 mm . This is a permanent neighbor of a person, the existence of which many do not even know. Dust mites feed on dead human skin .

It does not directly harm people, but with a high population, allergic reactions to its secretions are possible. It is unrealistic to completely remove dust mites, you can only reduce their number. To do this, you need to often carry out wet cleaning of places where dust accumulates, vacuum and wash the bed in time, clean upholstered furniture and outerwear. You can also periodically treat the surface with special tools.

Bed bugs

When bedbugs appear in the apartment, the owners understand that there is a serious problem. The neighborhood of these insects means painful bites, allergies, repulsive smell . The size of the bug depends on its filling with blood, in the normal state its length does not exceed 3 mm, after saturation it can reach 8 mm. Initially, it seems to have lived in the Middle East, but eventually spread throughout the world.

Bed bug lifespan , for an insect, large enough - about 1 year . This species is very hardy, adapts well to adverse conditions, can migrate, uses a variety of shelters and donor hosts. You can remove bedbugs yourself, using high-quality modern means. So, spray from fleas and bedbugs Dr. Klaus need to process the seams and folds of furniture, skirting boards, and other secluded places. The procedure must be carried out repeatedly, since drugs do not work on dormant eggs, and about 2 weeks pass from laying to leaving the egg.


Now there are more than 2000 species of fleas. This insect is well known to those who have pets, since most often it is cats and dogs that are its owner . Fleas feed exclusively on the blood of warm-blooded animals. With high fecundity, they reproduce very quickly and cause great inconvenience to both animals and humans. Found on all continents. For the treatment of premises, various drops, sprays and aerosol insecticides are more often used.


In appearance, the cricket resembles a hybrid of a cockroach and a grasshopper . The homeland of the insect is the Far East and North Africa, now it is distributed everywhere, except for Antarctica. The length of an adult individual reaches 25 mm.

Everyone heard the "singing" of a cricket live or in a movie. This property of them can cause inconvenience at night. As a rule, crickets penetrate living quarters closer to autumn, remaining in fields and gardens in summer. Although they feed on organic food, they do not cause much damage due to their scarcity. Therefore, they are not engaged in a targeted fight against them.


A small parasite, up to 5 mm long, has been a satellite of man since ancient times. It causes a lot of nuisance with itchy bites and is a carrier of many dangerous diseases. The short life span of the louse is compensated by the incredible fecundity and short development cycle for such a small insect. The oral apparatus is of a piercing-sucking type.
Pediculosis, although it develops more often in unsanitary conditions, can be "found" anywhere - from the pool to shops. On a person, lice are destroyed with special ointments, gels and shampoos. Things that a pediculosis patient has come into contact with can be washed in hot water or put in plastic bags and left for a week. During this time, adults and nits die of hunger.

Book louse

One of the smallest insects, reaching only 1 mm in length. In the house, the book louse can be found in the bindings of old books, which is why it got its name. There she feeds on glue made with organic ingredients. In addition, she can eat mold and fungi. Prefers places with high humidity and temperature. The most effective treatment with aerosols and mechanical cleaning.


In houses, the most common housefly is a medium-sized two-winged fly. This insect annoys with its importunity, is a carrier of diseases, spoils food and pollutes any surface .
High fecundity and omnivorousness make its neighborhood extremely unpleasant.
The most effective means are the treatment of premises with sprayed preparations and the installation of stationary traps - tapes. Effective tapes contain fly attractants in addition to adhesive composition . has these qualities fly tape Super Offline Muhoff .


In damp and warm basements, in sewer niches, attics, these insect relatives can be found, quickly rearranging several pairs of legs. Centipedes, more specifically centipedes , include hundreds of species, many of which can be found at home. For humans, they do not pose a danger, although they can bite sensitively if disturbed . The main "meal" for them is rotting vegetation or other invertebrates . If you don’t like such tenants, you should clean the technical rooms more often and ventilate them.


The size of these beetles varies from 1 to 10 mm, depending on the species. One of the most dangerous household pests . Since the family has about 600 species, it has "specialists" in eating everything that a person has:

  • powdered milk and cheese;
  • cereals and pasta;
  • furs and wool;
  • skins and dried fish;
  • any biological collections and other dehydrated organic food.

The struggle lies in the constant inspection of any natural products and the protective treatment of stored products.


In the warm season, the mosquito is perhaps the most important enemy in apartments and, especially, country houses. Small insect, due to its high numbers, can make any vacation unbearable . A flying mosquito creates a thin squeak due to the high speed of flapping its wings. Mosquitoes develop very quickly, depending on the temperature of the water, it takes from two to eight days for an adult insect to emerge from an egg.

Mosquito control methods are many, ranging from repellents applied to skin and clothing, to fumigators and glow coils. The number of mosquitoes in a country house is affected by the presence of nearby small, well-heated reservoirs.


Small arthropods are most often found in the soil of indoor plants . Their main food is decomposing plant remains, mosses and lichens .

Sometimes tender shoots of living plants are damaged. They are very widely distributed and belong to one of the most ancient animals. Springtails are one of the humus-forming agents, therefore they even bring benefits in open ground . For an adult plant, they are not dangerous, and when growing seedlings, you need to use proven land without rotted organic matter.

Insects, as very plastic and flexible creatures, will always be next to a person. They live not only in a village house, but also in the new urban skyscrapers. However, it is possible and necessary to control their numbers and fight them, if necessary.

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